You will need to be referred for a blood test or X-ray by either a doctor or a nurse. They will discuss this with you and provide the required paperwork for the procedure needed. You will need to speak to the Doctor before attending for a blood test so a form can be completed for the type of test needed for your symptoms. Please do not make an appointment with the Nurse if you do not know what tests are needed, or if you want a blood test to check for symptoms not discussed with a clinician.
You must be referred by the doctor for an x-ray, and a signed form must be taken to your appointment. If you do not have the form, or this is not signed by the doctor, then x-ray most likely will not be carried out. Please ensure you have the right information before you attend so there are no problems when you get to your appointment.
Blood tests are carried out at the surgery by our phlebotomists and Practice Nurses. They are usually carried out in the morning so they can be collected at midday and taken straight to the hospital. However, if you are unable to come at these times, please ask at reception who will advise you further. Please note, phlebotomists cannot provide any advice on medical conditions or carry out any other tests other than the ones stated on the blood form. For any other medical issues, please speak to the Practice Nurse or make an appointment with a GP.
If you have recently seen the Doctor or Nurse, they may require you to have a blood test to have further investigations carried out. We have 2 Practice Nurses and 2 Phlebotomists available for blood tests, but Tuesday and Thursday mornings are when the blood clinics are usually available. Samples are normally taken in the morning so they will be picked up at lunch time. Depending on the tests being carried out, these cannot always be kept overnight, and samples cannot be taken on a Friday afternoon.
Please ensure when you call to make your appointment, that you have a blood form from the hospital or one has been done for you before you attend. It is not always obvious what the test is that you require but this information appears on the test form. Unfortunately, you cannot just attend for a blood sample without seeing the Doctor to advise what tests are needed.
The Tuesday and Thursday clinics are usually filled for the morning, so it is important you arrive on time for your appointment. If you arrive late, it may not be possible to see you as planned, and you may be asked to rebook or to wait past your appointment time. If you know that it is difficult to get a blood sample from your veins, please let us know when making your appointment so we can allocate you a longer appointment to accommodate this and prevent patients after you being kept waiting. The same applies if you know you are likely to faint, have a needle phobia, or any other issues that may require extra time.
Where possible, please have a drink on the morning of your appointment, as it may help the nurses get a sample easier if you are hydrated.
If you need any other information, please do not hesitate to contact us at Reception.