
Finding us

Bromley Meadows Surgery
Egerton and Dunscar Health Centre,
Darwen Road,
Bromley Cross,
Opening Hours
Monday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Thursday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Submit an Admin Request

Request a Doctor’s letter, fit (sick) note, repeat prescription, test results and questions about a referral in addition to general queries.

Practice Feedback

Share your thoughts on your experience at our practice.

Request an update to your Patient Record

Update your personal details including
basic health questionnaire and carer

Change of Contact Details Form

Update your personal details including your address and contact preferences.

When We Are Closed

Alternatively, should you require a doctor between 18:30 and 08:00 you should ring the Surgery number, and listen to the recorded message which will provide with the telephone number for the Out of Hours GP’s.  Your call will be answered by a receptionist who will arrange for a clinician to ring you back within the hour. The clinician will offer advice and, if necessary, book an appointment time for you to be seen at Waters Meeting Health Centre, or the Urgent Care Centre based at Royal Bolton Hospital.

For further information regarding the GP Out-of-Hours Service, please click here.

Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.  If you are unsure, you can speak to your local pharmacy, or call 111, who can offer advice on a range of illnesses and medicines, and may be able to help without the need to see a Doctor.  Please only use A&E for genuine emergencies.

Enhanced Access (by Appointment Only)

You can now see a GP or other healthcare professional during

  • weekday evenings between 6.30pm and 8.00pm
  • Saturdays between 9am and 5pm

To book an appointment, get in touch with us.  You may be able to get an appointment on the same day if available.  You may be offered an appointment at one of these alternative health centres:

  • Tonge Moor Health Centre
  • Crompton View Health Centre

Some appointments are held at Egerton and Dunscar Health Centre but are not with our regular GP’s.

Patients registered with our Practice can now make an appointment at the service by contacting reception on 01204 463232 or calling in to check on availability.  We can make you an appointment, and you will be given information about where to attend and when.  

Parking Eye at the Health Centre

For many years there have been problems with parking at the Health Centre, with parents from the school opposite using the car park at drop off and pick up times, taking up spaces which should be available for our patients, and using staff spaces preventing GP’s and Nurses from getting out to visit patients.

Over the years, the levels of abuse directed at patients who have challenged any parents has sadly increased, and there have been a small number of occasions where parents have directly threatened our patients which is completely unacceptable.

Because of this, the owners of the building have decided to employ Parking Eye to monitor the car park and ensure that only patients and customers of the pharmacy can use the car parking facilities. Anyone who is visiting the Surgery or Pharmacy will be required to enter their details on a touch screen in reception allowing them to park for free.

Anyone who uses the car park without using the health centre or pharmacy and does not enter their car registration details will receive a £100 fine. We have done our best to notify our patients in plenty of time that this would be being put into place, there are signs all over the patient and staff car park, there are signs all throughout the health centre, it has been advertised on the website and our Practice Facebook page, and the information was sent out via text to all our patients with a valid mobile number so that as many people as possible were made aware that this would be put into force. There are also 2 huge signs in reception, notices on every door in the health centre and reception staff ask every patient if they have arrived by car so they can be reminded to enter their details before leaving.

The Parking Eye is not controlled by our Practice, nor do we receive any of the money collected in fines by people parking incorrectly.

Should you receive a fine, you will need to contact Parking Eye directly to discuss this further.