Routine Appointments
Please phone 0161 532 4141 to book appointments. The appointments line is open in the mornings from 08.30 am to 12.30pm and in the afternoons from 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday.
Urgent Appointments
If you need an urgent appointment on the day, please call the surgery for help on 0161 532 4141.
Or you can visit or call 111. In an emergency call 999.
Book an Appointment Online
Registered users can also log in to Patient Access to book appointments online.
Not registered for online access yet? Complete our registration form.
Request for a Home Visit
House visits are only available for patients who are housebound or severely disabled.
Please phone 0161 532 4141 before 11am on the day the visit is required. Requests made after this time may be carried out the day after unless they are deemed urgent.
A clinician will triage your request via telephone call first with the patient/ carer.
Cancelling & Rescheduling Appointments
If you cannot attend your given appointment please call 0161 532 4141 to cancel or reschedule. On average 60 people a month fail to turn up for their appointments without informing us.
These slots could be put to good use and offered to another patient, allowing the doctors and nurses to reduce any backlog of patients and reduce waiting times. Please think of others when you can no longer attend or need a scheduled appointment.
Registered users can also cancel appointments online.
Extended Access with Primary Care Manchester Limited
The practices, working in collaboration with Manchester Extended Access, are pleased to offer access to GP, Nurse and Health Care Assistant appointments during the evenings and at the weekends.
Primary Care Manchester Limited (PCM) is a company of GP practices in Central Manchester united in their commitment to maintaining and strengthening primary care services for patients and staff.
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