In relation to the break-out of the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (WN-CoV) in China we are advising patients NOT to come down to surgery if you have any other symptoms below. We advice you to contact NHS 111 ONLINE immediately who will advice further. The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
WN-CoV infection is classified as an airborne high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. It may cause mild to moderate illness, in addition to pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection.
COVID 19 is a new virus from the coronavirus family, that includes SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). Coronavirus are zoonotic (transmitted between animals and people) RNA virus and this one is thought to have started in a fish/animal market in China.
The main method of transmission is respiratory droplets, or in a healthcare setting, contact with bodily fluids. Treatment is supportive
For more information on the virus we have attached some useful links below:
NHS COVID-19 Page | COVID-19 advice and services – NHS ( |
Parenting Through COVID-19 | |
PHE COVID-19 Dashboard | UKHSA data dashboard |
COVID Vaccine Delivery
Please do not contact the practice to ask for a COVID-19 vaccination. You will be contacted when you are eligible.
We have been asked by NHS England to start delivering the COVID-19 mass vaccination programme from 15 December. This will be done by working together with other local GP Practices (called a Primary Care Network) to provide the vaccines.
To make sure everyone gets the vaccine in a safe and controlled way, a prioritisation list has been established so the vaccine can be given to those who need it first.
We will contact you when you are eligible to receive the vaccine and provide you with information about location and date, so please don’t contact the practice to ask for a vaccine before then.
We are working hard to plan the delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations, while continuing to deliver the largest ever flu vaccine campaign and support our patients with routine and urgent health requests. On that basis, we are unable to answer additional questions about the COVID vaccine.
However, to help answer your likely questions, we have tried to summarise the key information you need to know about the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination campaign, along with sharing details of the way patient groups will be prioritised:
- The vaccine will be given in order of priority to those at highest risk first.
- We will be in contact with you with information about where and when you will need to receive the vaccine.
- Please act on your invite when it comes, and make sure you attend your appointments when you arrange them.
- Please continue to follow all social distancing and hand hygiene guidance, which will still save lives.
We would like to confirm that we are booking the COVID vaccination clinic at the Vallance Centre which is in Ardwick. Please see the document below for more information.
Supporting the Vulnerable In Manchester
If you have received a shielding letter from any Healthcare provider weather it being us or the hospital you are under we want you to know that we are here to support you during this crisis. You can contact the practice for help and advice.
Advice for parents during Coronavirus
Whilst coronavirus is infectious to children it is rarely serious. If your child is unwell it is likely to be a non-coronavirus illness, rather than coronavirus itself.
Whilst it is extremely important to follow Government advice to stay at home during this period, it can be confusing to know what to do when your child is unwell or injured. Remember that NHS 111, GPs and hospitals are still providing the same safe care that they have always done. Here is some advice to help:
Face Covering Information
From the 19th of July nothing will change at the surgery. Patients will still need to wear a face covering, socially distance and use hand sanitiser and staff will continue to wear PPE. We do understand that this can be quite frustrating but we know that when people come to us they are vulnerable and sick so we feel it would be wrong to not take these small precautions that can protect people.
You should also wear a face covering in other enclosed spaces where it is difficult to maintain social distancing. For example, at stations, interchanges, ports and airports and in taxis and private hire vehicles. A taxi driver or private hire vehicle operator may be entitled to refuse to accept you if you do not wear a face covering.
The Government have issued guidance on people who do not have to wear a face mask, please follow the attached link for more information. If you fall under one of these categories you must inform the Receptionist when attending for appointments.
If you feel you are unable to wear a mask for auditory/sensory/breathing reasons, please visit and download an exemption card for you to show if asked why you are not wearing one. Please note, it is NOT the responsibility or the role of the Surgery to issue anyone with an exemption letter or certificate. Please visit the website above for more information.
Journey assistance cards: Journey Assistance Cards | Get extra help on your Journey | Stagecoach (
Germ Defence
Germ Defence is an evidence-based behaviour change website that provides advice on infection control at home. A clinical trial of 20,000 people during the time of the H1N1 pandemic and seasonal ‘flu (published in The Lancet) showed that using Germ Defence successfully reduced the number and severity of infections in the home, as well as the need for primary care consultations and antibiotics.
Germ Defence was created by a team of doctors and scientists to give you advice that has been proven to reduce the spread of viruses in the home. It can help you plan how to protect yourself and members of your family from infection by COVID-19 and ‘flu.
It’s easy to use and only takes 10 minutes – just click on this link:
(If this link does not open when you click on it, please copy and paste it into your web browser.)
Please pass details of the Germ Defence website to your friends and family.
Domestic Abuse Aware Practice
The Arch Medical Practice is a IRIS practice. Patients can talk to Doctors, Nurses and other staff members working here if you are being hurt or controlled by your current or ex-partner, are afraid of someone at home or a member of your family.
Social isolation can increase stress at home which will impact on you and your family well-being. We are here to help you. Please contact us for further help and advice. We have attached a form below which you may find useful as it provides information, links and resources.
LGBT Rights and COVID-19
In March 2020, the Government asked everyone in the UK to change the ways in which we go about our daily activities. New rules about where we can go, when we can leave the house, and who we can see have left many of us wondering what our rights are in the time of Covid-19.
Many of us have questioned what we can expect during this time of change. Can we still get the healthcare and support we need? What should we do if we are worried, concerned or in danger?
To answer some of these questions, LGBT Foundation is launching the Essential Guide to LGBT Rights and Covid-19. We understand that everyone has different experiences and needs. However, this guide intends to support LGBT people in understanding situations they may face and being able to make informed choices that are right for them.
Some of the questions answered in the guide include:
- Can I access sexual health testing?
- Can I get my medication?
- Can I receive my hormones?
- Where can I get help if I experience a hate crime?
- Where can I get information about my Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) appointment?
- What if I am a disabled person?
Doctors Of The World – 60 Different Languages
Further to recent changes in the Government and NHS official guidance on COVID-19, Doctors of the World UK have been updating its translated guidance in 60 languages. The updated version includes changes in social distancing rules and the new symptom of coronavirus (see attached for contents). Please note the guidance is valid across the UK.
You can find these resources on TRANSLATED HEALTH INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS – Doctors of the World.
Please check the list of languages on the website to see if the language has been updated, but all languages will be ready in a couple of days. Audio/video recordings and animated messages for migrants in different languages will be ready soon.
COVID Research
Community call to action – help us learn more about how COVID-19 affects our BAME community. To take part you/your child must be aged between 0-19 years and not isolating for potential COVID19. For further details about how to get involved in the study visit