Cancer Organisations

Breast Cancer Now

Every year over 50,000 women and around 350 men are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK. Breast Cancer Now are the UK’s largest breast cancer research charity – and are dedicated to funding research into this devastating disease.

Telephone Number:0333 20 70 300

Cancer Research UK

Leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. Includes a free information service about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families. The charity believes that information about cancer should be freely available to all and written in a way that people can easily understand.

Telephone Number:0300 123 1022

Cancer Research UK Patient Resources

Reliable and easy to understand information from Cancer Research UK.

Telephone Number:0300 123 1022

Macmillan Support Line

The Macmillan Support Line offers confidential support to people living with cancer and their loved ones. If you need to talk, they will listen.

Helpline Telephone Number:0808 808 00 00 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm)

OUTpatients – cervical screening for the LGBTIQ+ Community

The only peer support provider for LGBTIQ+ cancer patients in the UK, inclusive of all genders or types of cancer, who’s mission is to see cervical cancer prevented and reduce the impact for everyone affected by cervical cell changes (abnormal cells) and cervical cancer through providing the highest quality information and support, and campaigning for excellence in cervical cancer treatment and prevention.

Submit an enquiry here

Marie Curie Cancer Care

Marie Curie cancer care cares for people affected by cancer and provide caring services for thousands of cancer patients in their own homes – and at 10 hospices across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Telephone Number:0207 599 7777

Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate Cancer UK fights to help more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life. We have three priorities:
(1) Supporting men and providing information,
(2) Finding answers by funding research,
(3)Leading change to raise awareness and improve care

Telephone Number:020 3310 7000 (London Office)
Alternate Telephone Number:0141 314 0050 (Scottish Office)
Helpline Telephone Number:0800 074 8383

Sargent Cancer Care for Children

Sargent Cancer Care for Children supports families at home and in hospital from the day of diagnosis. They provide practical and financial help and short breaks for families at our specialist centre in Scotland.

Telephone Number:0300 330 0803