Diabetes Information
Type 2 Diabetes – Know Your Risk
Finding out your risk of Type 2 Diabetes only takes a few minutes. Anyone can now self-check their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by using Diabetes UK’s ‘know your risk’ tool.
Website: www.riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start
Healthier You – National Diabetes Prevention Programme
If you are aged 18+ and at risk of Type 2 Diabetes there are lots of small changes you can make to prevent diabetes from developing in the first place. Healthier You can support you with these changes. There are different options for how you take part in the programme.
- Face to Face Service: delivered locally, the 9 month programme includes an initial assessment followed by 13 group sessions
- Digital Service: delivered via an App on your smartphone or any other device with one to one coaching sessions giving more patients more flexibility
- Online Specialist Service: for people with hearing impairment requiring British Sign Language; people with a visual impairment; Bangladeshi or Pakistani backgrounds who require a specific cultural and language tailored service; women with a previous diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. Website: Healthier You | Diabetes Prevention (reedwellbeing.com)
Salford Community Leisure – Pre Diabetes
Aimed at anyone aged 18+ and at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. The free 12 week personalised exercise programme includes supervised gym sessions, swimming, group exercise classes and many other sessions.
For more information: either speak to your GP or Practice Nurse for a referral
Website: https://salfordcommunityleisure.co.uk/be-active/active-lifestyles/exercise/pre-diabetes/
Diabetes UK – leading UK charity proving advice, information and support for diabetes type 1 and 2, including newsletters and online communities
Helpline: 0345 123 2399, Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm
Website: www.diabetes.org.uk
Diabetes My Way
A free online service to help people manage their diabetes, which includes access to your personal diabetes health records, NHS accredited online courses that you can complete in your own time and lots of information including tips on keeping healthy, support in your local area and living with diabetes.
Website: www.diabetesmyway.nhs.uk
My Type 1 Diabetes
NHS website with information on supporting self management for adults living with Type 1 Diabetes, including videos and leaflets, online courses such as insulin management, lifestyle changes and complications management.
Website: www.mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk
Healthy Living – Type 2 Diabetes
NHS website for people living with Type 2 Diabetes, providing information that will support you to manage the condition, including emotional and mental wellbeing, advice on healthy eating and exercise.
Website: www.healthyliving.nhs.uk
Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme (formerly the NHS Low Calorie Diet)
A free 12 month programme to support adults aged 18+ with Type 2 Diabetes to lose weight and maintain weight loss and long-term behaviour change, with regular support and contact with a Coach practitioner.
For more information: NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission or speak to your GP or Practice Nurse for a referral
Diabetes Education
Diabetes Education – Salford Care Organisation (Salford Royal Hospital)
The sessions provide lots of information and support to anyone aged 18+ with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. You can choose to go along to the face to face group, which take place in different community centres around Salford or join an online group. All sessions are led by a Specialist Diabetes Dietician or Specialist Diebtes Nurse, and phone support is available after the sessions for up to 6 months.
For more information: Salford Diabetes Service, you can also speak to your GP or Practice Nurse, or you can refer yourself by telephoning 0161 206 8802 or email salford.diabetescare@nca.nhs.uk