Pregnant: Worried or need advice?

Saint Mary’s Hospital provides full maternity care for women including pre-conceptual counselling, antenatal care, delivery and postnatal care. This care is provided by obstetricians (doctors who specialise in the care of pregnant women) and midwives with areas of expertise in a particular field.

Non-urgent advice: To find out who your local Community Midwifery team are:

Telephone: 0161 470 6895

Alternatively you can email them on:

Emergency Gynaecology Unit (EGU) 

Telephone: 0161 276 6204 (24 hours)

This is a 24 hour walk in service. If you have had a positive pregnancy test, are less than 20 weeks pregnant and are experiencing abdominal pain and/or vaginal bleeding, you can attend this unit.

Obstetric Triage Department 

Telephone: 0161 276 6567 (24 hours)

If you are more than 20 weeks pregnant and booked under our care, you can speak to one of our midwives who will advise whether or not you need to attend the hospital.  Please have your pregnancy notes to hand when you call, as we make ask you to provide information from them.

Accident and Emergency Department

Your local Accident and Emergency department can still be used if you have an emergency or accident not related to your pregnancy (chest pain, difficulty breathing, collapse, etc). Always inform the staff in the department you are pregnant.  If your condition may affect your pregnancy, you will be referred to Triage for assessment.

Make sure you have your green handheld pregnancy notes with you at all times.

Termination of pregnancy

Deciding to have a termination can be a difficult decision to make. Talking through the options with a doctor or nurse at a contraception and sexual health clinic can help you to reach your decision.

Telephone: 0345 365 0565