Stockport Services

Safe and Well Home Visits Greater Manchester Fire + Rescue

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue can help and advise on a range of issues including health and crime prevention. They offer free Self and Well visits to your home which includes:

  • Identifying and offering advice about fire risks in your home
  • Ensuring your home has working smoke alarms
  • Putting together an escape plan in case of fire
  • Talking about the health and well-being of the whole household
  • Advice about home security
  • Directing people to services and activities that may benefit them

To arrange a visit, call the freephone number 0800 555 815 Monday to Friday 9am-7pm.

GMFRS fire-fighters work alongside community support staff and can arrange to carry out a visit with a family member, carer or professional if you would find this helpful.

New Tinnitus Support Group in Stockport

A new tinnitus support group is being formed in Stockport. It will be run by local volunteer Tony who has lived with tinnitus for over 40 years and wants to share his experience with others so that we can help and support each other.

The first meeting will be held on Monday 30th September 2-3:30pm at Our Lady & St Christopher’s Church, 52 Barrack Hill, Romiley, Stockport, SK6 3BA.

For more information you can contact Tony on 0161 484 0755 (please use the word tinnitus when asked who is calling) or by emailing

You can also visit

The group is a registered British Tinnitus Association support group.

Signpost Connecting Carers Card

Do you care for a friend or family member? If so, you can register as a Carer with Signpost and sign up to receive a Connecting Carers Card.

These cards are designed to encourage carers to think about what would happen if they were no longer able to care for their loved one. The cards can also be used as evidence to show that you are a carer.

To get a card you can email or call her on 0161 442 0442 and ask for a registration form. When you receive your form, simply fill it in and return it along with a clear photograph of yourself and Signpost will print your card and post it out to you. You will also receive information about where you can use the card for discounts.

You will also be asked a few questions and Signpost will make you aware about the other things they do to support Stockport’s carers.

For more information about the help and support Signpost can offer you can visit their website:

Walthew House – Stockport

Walthew House is a local Stockport charity that supports people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing or who have dual sensory loss.

Their services include:

  • Equipment resource centre – selling equipment to aid independence like talking watches, clocks and kitchen gadgets, amplified phones, large print items and magnifiers
  • Social activities and classes for adults including arts and crafts, luncheon club trips out, tandem cycling and steel band
  • A weekly youth club where all activities are fully inclusive for sign language users and young people with little or no sight
  • An information help desk and regular newsletter
  • One to one support
  • Free specialist counselling service for people with sight loss
  • Braille and audio transcription service

To view an activity timetable please click here.

Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6QST: 0161 480 2616  /  F: 0161 477 4441 E:

Find them on Facebook and Twitter too ‘Walthew House’

Healthy Stockport

Healthy Stockport is a free, confidential local support service to help people living, working or registered with a GP in Stockport make positive lifestyle changes. 

A Stockport Health & Care Finder app has been created to give people a chance to take more control of their own health. This will help to increase people’s understanding of how to use and access local health and social care services, self-care options and lifestyle opportunities.

If you have a compatible Android or Apple device you can download the Stockport Health & Care Finder App by going to your app store and searching for it by name or by scanning the QR Code.

Independent Options

The Children & Family Centre

The Children & Family Centre provides play opportunities in a safe and welcoming environment for children with Learning Disabilities and Additional Needs. Through its wide range of groups, play sessions and training courses, children can learn and play, while parents can access a wide range of information and support.

The Centre holds groups and activities including:

After School Club, Sign and Sign, Sensory Stories, Sibling Club, Boredom Busters, Parents Coffee Morning.

To find out more information about the Centre, click here.

Independent Options

The Pines – 67 Chester Road

Hazel Grove



T: 0161 456 6502


British Red Cross – Loan of Equipment

The Red Cross provide short-term loans of wheelchairs and other equipment. These are designed to help you get around and improve your comfort.

The types of mobility aids you can borrow include:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Crutches
  • Backrests
  • Bath seat
  • Walking sticks and frames
  • Commodes
  • Bedpans
  • Urinals

They request donations to help them provide the service. The service is run by their volunteers. A refundable deposit may also be required for some items. 

You can buy equipment from their online shop by clicking here.

Centres in the area that provide loans of equipment are as follows:

Stockport: Heaton Moor Centre – SK4 3LD

Tel: 07843 501164

Stockport: 14 Derby Way – SK6 7AH

Tel: 0161 427 8366

Manchester: Bradbury House – M16 9HQ

Tel: 0161 888 8900 

Visit: to find out more

Stockport Psychological Wellbeing Service

The Psychological Wellbeing Service in Stockport offers a range of support and services including one to one support based on cognitive behavioural therapy techniques, groups, workshops and e-therapy (computer based therapy). Do you suffer from…

Low mood / Depression; Loss of interest and pleasure; Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and guilt; Poor concentration; Excessive worry or panic; Sleep problems; Anxiety

To find out more or refer to the service please call 0161 480 2020

email or visit our website:

The Northern contraception, sexual health and HIV service

This service is available locally at the Choices Centre / Central Youth in Stockport. Services include contraception, pregnancy testing and advice, STI testing and HIV services.

Appointments can be booked using their online booking service.

Stockport food banks 

For the addresses, opening times and contact number for the 6 foodbank centres please click on the link below.

Stockport food banks provide 3 days’ emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. There are 6 centres covering 6 days a week around Stockport.

You can be referred by local agencies which include Stockport Advice offices, The Wellspring, Jobcentre, Citizens Advice, Housing Support Officers, Children’s centres, Health Visitors, Social Services and some local charities. 

You can call or email the foodbank can put you in touch with local agencies who will talk through your situation and supply you with a food voucher where appropriate.

Offerton Dementia Drop In

For anyone with dementia and their relatives or carer. Come along and have a cuppa and a chat at our friendly, relaxed dementia drop in.

Offerton Community Centre
Mallowdale Road
Offerton SK2 5NX

First Wednesday of the month

10:30am till 12:30pm

Breaking Free!

Are you withdrawing from antidepressant medication? Worried about the impact this will have on your mood? Scared that your depression will come back? Or worried about side effects? the breaking free course could help you.

For more information visit the website

Rethink Mental Illness Manchester Group

The Group is open to Carers and people who suffer from Mental Illness. This is a campaigning, information and support group for anyone in Manchester.

For more information contact:

Mary Patel

07816754032 (M)

Manchester Digital Laboratory (MADLAB)

36-540 Edge Street


M4 1HN

Rethink Mental Illness Manchester