Compliments and Comments
We are always keen to hear from patients about the services we offer and how we may be able to improve them for the patients whom we serve. You can write to us or send us an email on if that is more convenient.
Complaints Procedure
We always try to provide the best services possible but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. The following information explains our in-house complaints procedure, drawn up to respond to patient grievances. Our practice procedure is not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation.
We hope you will use it to allow us to look into and, if necessary, correct any problems that you have identified or mistakes that have been made. If you use this procedure, it will not affect your right to complain to the Health Services Authority.
Please note that we have to respect our duty of confidentiality to patients and a patient’s consent will be necessary if a complaint is not made by the patient in person. If you wish to make a complaint, please write to our Complaints Officer, at the address below or email Please note we are unable to deal with complaints over the phone Full details will be taken and a decision made on how best to undertake the investigation.
Lorraine Hall
Complaints Officer
Thornley House Medical Centre
Thornley St
SK14 1JY
We believe it is important to deal with complaints swiftly and aim to acknowledge your complaint within two days, occasionally it may take longer but we will keep you informed throughout. We will try to address your concerns, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
You can also seek assistance from Health Watch who can be contacted on 0161 6672526 or emailed at
GP Complaints NHS England, who can be contacted on 0300 3112233.