Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services. Social prescribing, sometimes referred to as community referral, is a means of enabling GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services. Recognising that people’s health is determined primarily by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health. (Taken from the Kings Fund description of Social Prescribing)
We always advocate that patients and carers should have full access to their GP electronic health records to gain a better understanding of their healthcare needs alongside social prescribing so that you can get the best from what the community offers as well as getting the best from the practice. Over 10,000 patients now have full access to their electronic health records in the practice and this is growing.
The practice website is a great resource for trusted information about what is available in the practice for you and your family as well as in the local community and wore widely across Greater Manchester and the UK. Please look at the resources here and contact the practice if you need further help. Many of the resources available here can be accessed without needing to see the GP or nurse. Please go ahead, look at what is available here and if you need help contact them directly! You don’t always need a doctor to give you permission to find out more for yourself!
Here are other resources on what is self care too that you may find helpful and things you can do to help yourself! Don’t forget you can contact the Patient Participation Group to find out more
Register now for anybody who would like to learn more about your own health and getting the best from the services around you. The HTMC Online team can help you.
- Lack of social contact / loneliness
- Over-reliance of medical appointments
- Low mood
- Low self esteem / loss of confidence
- Bereavement
- Unpaid carer
Learn more about Action Together
Ask your GP to refer you to our Social Prescriber Bernie Connor who can come and visit you at home and see what may help you most
- Increase activity through tailored programmes and ongoing support for 12 months
- Improvements to blood pressure, weight loss, heart and lung health
- 57% feel fitter; 41% have better sense of wellbeing; 31% feel more confident, 29% lost weight; 22% made new friends; 20% reduced pain; 9% less reliant on medication
- 70% adherence rate
- Free or discounted sessions available
- Make sure you can log into your electronic health record so that you can share your medication list (or have a copy of all your medications if not online). We always recommend you should have access to your records if possible
Can self refer to 0161 366 4860 but may need to get confirmation from GP that activity is appropriate. Please check with GP if you would like to be referred and think you may qualify
AGE UK (for over 50s)
- Benefits advice – pensions, council tax support, budgeting
- Falls service – “Best Foot Forward”
- Carer’s support
- Bereavement
- Social activities
- Help with shopping or getting out and about
- Dementia groups
Self referral to Age UK, 131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne 0161 308 5000 More details at
BE WELL Tameside
- Social isolation / loneliness / low level anxiety
- Smoking cessation
- Alcohol interventions
- Weight management (group or individual programmes)
- Being more active
- Improving sleep
- Feeling better about yourself
Self Refer: 0161 716 2000 or
Initial telephone consultation / triage with Julie Havern at her Wednesday clinic at Donneybrook surgery
- Support for those with a life limiting illness
- Befriending
- Transport to hospital
- Social activities
Self refer to Suzanne Roberts 0161 217 1373 or
- 98% of people will survive if this cancer is found early
Learn more about the Greater Manchester Bowel Screening programme
GPs & our Cancer Champions are happy to deal with any questions you may have
- Support for those living with a cancer diagnosis
- Practical help with day to day demands and treatments
- Based in Stalybridge
Self refer: 07533 915061
- Dedicated support workers for Hyde Neighbourhood
- Must have dementia diagnosis
Ask your GP to refer you for further support available via Alzheimer’s Society
- Peer mentoring for Bengali & Pakistani women
- Volunteering opportunities
- Training for women to improve employment chances
- Health, social and exercise activities
- Help to access record online
- Men’s badminton
- Regular coffee mornings / lunches etc
- Bengali, Urdu & Punjabi speakers
Tel: 0161 368 3268 Mon – Thur 9am – 5pm; Fri 10am – 4pm
- Support and advice including welfare rights & benefits
- Online community
- Financial support for families and patients
- Office at Tameside Hospital – drop in
- Practical help
- Volunteering opportunities
Self refer: drop in at Tameside Hospital or ring David Banks 0161 922 5644
- Part of Greater Manchester Fire Service
- Home visits for smoke alarm fitting, home security, fire safety, home safety
- Can refer direct to Social Services and other local services
- Make pro-active visits to whole neighbourhoods
- Can provide risk reduction equipment
Self refer 0800 555 815 or
- Men’s health & wellbeing
- To tackle men’s obesity in a male only environment
- Weigh in / share hints & tips
- Optional activity sessions
At The Grafton Centre, Grafton Street, Hyde SK14 2AX
Starts 28/6/18, then every Thursday 4pm – 6pm
Or at Best Foot Forward Studio, AGE UK Tameside, 131 Katherine Street, Aston-under-Lyne OL6 7AW
Starts 27/6/18, then every Wednesday 2pm – 4pm
Self refer to 07919 917612 or
Facebook: SWWCIC Twitter: @SWWCIC
- Support for patients and families living with pulmonary fibrosis
- ·Regular group meetings for friendship / support
Self refer: Clive Green 07533 802620 or