This privacy notice explains why we collect information about you and how that information may be used.
Our health care professionals who provide you with our services maintain records about your health and any treatment or care you have received previously. These records help to provide our clients with the best possible healthcare.
Your records may exist is several formats including electronic, paper or a mixture of both, and we deploy many working organisations and approaches to ensure that such information is maintained within a confidential and secure environment. The records which we could hold about you may include the following information:
- Personal details relating to you, including your address and contact details, carer, legal representative and parents’ emergency contact details
- Any contact we have had or intend to have with you such as appointments, clinic or surgery visits, home visits, etc.
- Notes and reports about your health which is deemed to be of a sensitive nature
- Details about your referral, diagnostics procedures, treatment and care
- Results of any additional relevant investigations
- Relevant information from other health professionals, relatives or those who care for you
To ensure you receive the highest levels of care, your records will be used to facilitate the care that we provide. Anonymised information held about could, on occasions, be used to help protect the health and wellbeing of the general public and to help us manage our contracts with commissioners. Information could also be used within our organisation for the purposes of clinical audits which in turn will provide monitoring of the quality of the services we provide.
Some of this information will be used for statistical purposes and we will ensure that individuals cannot be identified. For situations where we may contribute to research projects we will always gain your explicit consent before releasing any relevant information.