
Physiotherapy (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde)

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Physiotherapy NHS 24 MSK Help App (Self-Care)

The NHS have designed an app for your smartphone to help with MSK issues.

A musculoskeletal (MSK) disorder is any injury, disease or problem with your muscles, bones or joints. 

Muscle and joint problems are the biggest cause of work absence and physical disability in the UK.

In Scotland, over a million people spoke to their GP for a muscle or joint problem last year.

You can access the app from your app store on your smartphone.

About the app

The NHS 24 MSK Help app was developed with the help of Scottish patients, doctors, MSK therapists, pharmacists and employment services.

The information contained in this app is linked to muscle, bone and joint self-management information on NHS inform.


Getting quick access to good information can help you get back to normal quicker after a muscle, back and joint problem. 

In this app you’ll find:

  • advice on common muscle back and joint problems
  • exercises and video clips to help you get moving safely
  • information for employees, managers and employers to help with work
  • reminders to do your exercises and/or attend any appointments
  • log to keep a note of your progress