Quit Your Way Scotland

Quit Your Way Scotland is an advice and support service for anyone trying to stop smoking in Scotland.

You can contact Quit Your Way Scotland for free by:

The helpline is open:

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

The webchat service is open within those times depending on the availability of an adviser.

How Quit Your Way Scotland can help

Quit Your Way Scotland is run by NHS 24 on behalf of the Scottish Government. It’s staffed by trained advisers who’ll be able to give you personalised advice.

The service can:

Who is Quit Your Way Scotland for?

Quit Your Way Scotland is here to help you if you’re:

  • just beginning to think about stopping smoking
  • ready to stop
  • trying to stop smoking again
  • looking for more information on stopping smoking

Quit Your Way Scotland has no minimum age limit.

If you’re smoking alongside recreational drugs, we can signpost you to help and advice.

Quit Your Way Scotland won’t send you any letters without your consent.

Stop smoking for your mental health

Stopping smoking is associated with improved mental health and overall wellbeing.

For more information on who to contact please visit below: