Suicidal Thoughts Advice

If you are currently feeling suicidal, please read this page, or speak to someone on the phone or at one of the links below. Thank you.

What are suicidal thoughts?

Suicidal thoughts come in many forms. They may be anything ranging from images and ideas or a fascination with the idea of suicide to making plans and becoming convinced that suicide is the only way of dealing with the problems that a person is experiencing. These thoughts, of whatever kind, do not necessarily mean that a person is suicidal, and the kind of thoughts are not an indicator of the severity of the problem. They are often an indicator that a person is very distressed and struggling.

Suicidal thoughts are always upsetting and problematic for the person experiencing them and they must always be taken seriously. They can be very distressing in their own right, and they can even lead to suicide attempts.

A person who is experiencing suicidal thoughts may have a lot of difficulties in their life at the time, they may be depressed or anxious or the suicidal thoughts may be their only symptom. Suicidal thoughts can affect people who are otherwise perfectly well or those who are recovering from other problems.

People who are affected with depression can experience suicidal thoughts when they are recovering from a period of severe depression. This often happens because when a person is very depressed they may lack energy and motivation, and then as they start to recover their energy comes back and because they are still feeling bad, their motivation turns towards suicidal feelings and plans. This can be very confusing for a person who is otherwise beginning to feel better.

Suicidal thoughts can also be a symptom of an illness like depression, or it can be a problem in itself. More information can be found on the NHS Choices website and on the Befrienders Worldwide website.

What help is available?

If you are having suicidal thoughts, it is extremely important that you seek help. They can easily get out of control and life can become very difficult. It is important to speak to someone about how you are feeling. If you can, speak to a family member or friend, or your GP (some tips for speaking to someone are located in the links section below). If you have a current therapist or psychiatrist, tell them how you are feeling. If you don’t feel that you can speak to someone face to face, call the Samaritans on 08457 909090 or use a message board like the NSHN forum. If you are a student, there may be a Nightline service available at your university.

Treatments for suicidal thoughts tend to be based around talking to someone and treating any underlying issues and causes.

It can be very difficult to explain to someone that you are feeling suicidal. The Samaritans have some useful suggestions for talking to someone, and there are some tips listed on the depression page. The Samaritans also have some information on other sources of help available.

It can also be helpful to get away for a while, and it may be worth considering a place like the Maytree Respite Centre

How you can help a friend or relative affected by suicidal thoughts

Having a friend or relative who has these thoughts can be very difficult. Befrienders Worldwide have some ideas on how to support a suicidal person. It is often most useful to listen, and to show them that you care about them. If you can persuade them to get help, you should. It can be difficult for one person to support a suicidal person and it can have a very negative effect on you if you try to do this by yourself. Remember to get appropriate support for yourself. Talk to your doctor and ask for their suggestions if you wish to.

Don’t worry if you find it difficult to understand the way that the person is feeling. Each individual is different and it can be very difficult for them to express how they are feeling. As long as you try not to judge them and try to support them, you are doing all that you reasonably can.

If you know someone who has attempted to commit suicide, it is important that they get immediate medical help. Even if they appear outwardly to be fine, they need to seek help and be checked out to ensure that they have done no permanent damage. If they won’t seek help, call NHS 24 or NHS Direct to see if there is anything you can do.

What help is available for you if someone close to you has attempted or committed suicide.

When someone close to you attempts or commits suicide, it can be very difficult time for you and others who are or were close to the person. It is important that you do not underestimate the effect that this can have on you and that you seek appropriate support if you need to. Befrienders Worldwide have information about what you can do if you have been bereaved by suicide. Remember that it is understandable and normal to be affected and upset by these events and that there is no shame in asking for help.

Useful Resources

The Samaritans:

Befrienders Worldwide:

Choose Life is a great resource for information about suicide. They have pages discussing the myths and facts about suicide.

Take care when searching for suicide help resources online as many sites can be dangerously triggering. Be aware and try to have someone with you.

Tips on talking to someone:

The Depression Alliance:

The Depression Place:

The Samaritans:

Places to talk:

The Samaritans:

Befrienders Worldwide:


National Self Harm Network: