Hearing and Sight Loss
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Do you have an idea for a small project which will support people in Angus who live with hearing loss or sight loss?
The Angus See Hear Steering Group would like to hear from you!
You can bid for up to £3000 (for one year only) for projects to support people with sight loss or hearing loss.
Who can apply?
If you are part of a constituted group or organisation working in Angus then you can apply for See Hear funds.
You should have an idea for a project or piece of work that impacts on better outcomes for people who live with hearing loss or sight loss.
What is See Hear?
See Hear1 is a national framework which has the following objectives:
- Introduction of basic sensory checks at key points of lifespan
- Sensory impairment awareness raising
- Workforce development, especially in older people’s services
- Development if clear care pathways
- Improve information on access to services
- Focus on preventative measures and good self-care to retain sensory health
- Maintain and share information post diagnosis between agencies
What does your project need to do?
Local people who live with sight loss or hearing loss have told us the following things would improve their quality of life:
- Clearer information of what to do post diagnosis. What support is available and how to access it.
- Increased awareness, generally, amongst the public of how sensory impairment affects daily living and what they can to do improve communication with people who have a sight loss or hearing loss.
- Better signage in most public areas including larger lettering
- Sight loss or hearing loss awareness raising sessions for a range of staff and agencies
- More drop in support services in outlying localities
- Information and awareness raising for families when someone starts to use a hearing aid
- Improved sharing of information concerning existing support and services for people with sight loss or hearing loss, not just web based
- For those who use British Sign Lanuage (BSL), increased availability of BSL interpreting
- For young people, opportunities to meet other young people with sight loss or hearing loss.
- Your project or piece of work needs to demonstrate outcomes related to at least one of these areas.
How can you apply?
- Applicants need to complete the simple funding application form and return it before Friday 28th October 2022.
- The application form is available from Angus See Hear group. Please email pertr@angus.gov.uk
- If you have any questions please email pertr@angus.gov.uk