Repeat Prescriptions

All repeat prescriptions are managed on computer and there is also a record in each patient’s file. A computer slip is issued to all patients on regular medication and should be used when ordering your next prescription.

On some occasions, you may not be able to order certain drugs via the online service. This is purely because certain drugs require regular monitoring and are not able to be put on a repeat prescription list.

Other Ways to Order Your Prescriptions

  1. By Telephone:
    Call our prescriptions line (24hour) on 01674 677819
  2. By Email:
    Please email your request to
  3. In Person:
    Your repeat slip can be deposited at any of the Montrose pharmacies or in the post box outside at the end of the building. The repeat slip is the form printed on your computerised prescription given to you by the GP. You will receive an updated one every time you receive a prescription.

When will my Prescription be ready?

If you have signed up for text reminders, the pharmacy will text you when your prescription is ready for collection otherwise please allow 7 days for your prescription to be ready from your chosen pharmacy.

Please do not order your prescriptions early as these will not be processed.

Prescriptions Collection

Prescriptions will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice if you have nominated one, otherwise you can collect it from the surgery.

Non-urgent advice: Patient Notice

Do not telephone the practice or the pharmacy to check if your prescription is ready, we will process in due course.

Annual Review

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor or practice nurse at least once a year to review these medications.

Long Term Repeat Prescriptions

GP practices have a system for patients receiving long term repeat medication. This is called serial prescription.

The new system involves prescriptions lasting 24, 48 or 56 weeks and will allow you to collect your medication eight weeks directly from your pharmacy.

This will mean you do not need to place an order with the practice.

Dossette boxes and blister packs can be arranged if they have a large amount of medication to take.

Other Useful Information

Each drug has two names, the generic and the brand name. Where possible we use the generic name because this is usually much cheaper for the health service. Due to this, you may notice a change in colour, shape or size of your drug.

Do not be concerned by this, you are still receiving the same drug of the same quality, it is only the appearance that has altered.