Patient Participation Group

What is a Patient Participation Group?

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is where a group of health professionals and patients can come together to address issues that effect health and health services in their local community.

Its key role is to:

  • Enable patients to have a say on how the practice operates
  • Provide feedback on new systems within the practice such as booking an appointment
  • Act as a sounding board for ideas
  • Support the practice to provide a high quality of care and service delivery.

New Members Needed

Montrose patient participation group is looking for new members to join our team.

Please come and help, we need you!

The Montrose Patient Participation group formed four years ago and its members are patients from all GP practices in Links Medical Centre with support from some of the medical staff.

Our main aim is to be a link between medical staff and patients of Montrose Health Centre in order to give patients a voice and to work with staff and patients to help improve health outcomes and delivery of more cost effective services.

Our Annual General Meeting is just round the corner and we are seeking to expand the committee to give more people the opportunity to be involved in local health care.

We meet approximately 6 times each year and throughout lockdown have continued to meet virtually though we are now moving back to face to face meetings.

If you are interested in joining our group please email us on We need you and your ideas.

We also use Facebook to help us get messages that are connected to health care out to patients, check out what we do on the Montrose Patient Participation Group Facebook page

We look forward to welcoming you to our group.

Can You Help? Social Media Volunteer Needed!

Social Media Volunteer

About Montrose Patient Participation Group

Montrose Patient Participation Group (MPPG) works with the local GP surgeries and the wider healthcare team to improve provision for patients at the Links Health centre.

What the MPPG has achieved for our patients so far

The Montrose Patient Participation Group, have funded two plinths in the foyer of the Links Health Centre, which were crafted by Mr Mark  Ronaldson and were unveiled by Dr Orr, a former GP in Montrose and the Links Health Centre and upon the plinths were the busts of professor Chassar Moir, Montrose born Gynaecologist, pioneering researcher, and surgeon.  The second bust is of a young woman “Italia Turrita” who was displayed in Sunnyside Hospital prior to its closing then moving to Montrose Royal Infirmary.  Since it has closed the bust had been in archives.  

Both busts are displayed in the foyer of the Links Health Centre between the clock which also was saved from auction by Mr Dolan who since 1996 has tended to it and winds it up every week.

Special thanks go to Mr Eddie Martin who has been instrumental in having the busts displayed within the Links and to Mr Alexander Dolan who tends to the clock every week.