Contact Details
Directions from Netherton to New Street:
- Travel down Meltham Road to Lockwood traffic lights.
- Turn left at these lights into Swan Lane.
- Continue along Swan Lane which then becomes Park Road.
- At the next set of lights, go straight on towards Manchester Road – this road is now Park Road West.
- At Manchester Road, turn left and travel towards Linthwaite. Turn right into New Street after the BP garage but before the Cowlersley Traffic lights.
Directions from New Street to Netherton:
- Travel along Manchester Road towards Huddersfield.
- Take the right turn off Manchester Road up Park Road West.
- Go straight on at the next set of lights along Park Road.
- The road becomes Swan Lane. Continue until the next lights and turn right on to Meltham Road.
- Continue until you arrive in Netherton. The surgery is on the left in the centre of the village. The car park at the rear.