About us

About Us

What is a Primary Care Network?

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan, with general practices being a part of a network, typically covering 30,000-50,000 patients. The networks will provide the structure and funding for services to be developed locally, in response to the needs of the patients they serve.

Take a look at this short animation from NHS England which explains how they work.

The PCN Objective

To improve the health outcomes of our patients through shared working and effective commissioning,  of high quality services.

  • meeting our statutory requirements
  • improving the patient experience across all services
  • involving patients, communities and hard to reach groups.

From 1 July 2019, all patients in England should be covered by a primary care network (PCN). PCNs are made up from groups of neighbouring general practices. New funding is being channelled through the networks to employ staff to deliver services to patients across the member practices.

In general, people are living longer, and some are living with a number of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and mental health issues. Primary Care Networks are groups of GP Practices working together in order to offer care on a scale which is small enough for patients to get the continuous and personalised care they value, but large enough to be resilient, through the sharing of workforce, administration and other functions of general practice.

  • The benefits of these services working together are:
  • Longer opening hours
  • Sharing staff
  • Better access to specialist health professionals
  • Services closer to home
  • Ability to share information and technology

PCNs will be expected to draw on the expertise of staff already employed by their constituent practices and will receive funding to employ additional staff under an Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).

The work of the networks will be coordinated by a clinical director, a role that will be funded on a sliding scale depending on network size.

The ARRS is the most significant financial investment within the Network Contract DES and is designed to provide reimbursement for networks to build the workforce required to deliver the national service specifications.

Our Vision

Coventry Navigation1 Primary Care Network is a cooperation between 11 GP practices working together to deliver high standard of care to our patients, ensure best quality and value for money.

Our Values

  • Integrity, treating everyone with respect and equity
  • Actively listen to our patients and partners to maximize their potential and fully contribute to being part of Primary Care Network.
  • Work together effectively with our colleagues across health and social care
  • Patient social needs are looked after by trained professionals.

Additional roles:

  • clinical pharmacists (from 2019)
  • social prescribing link workers (from 2019)
  • physician associates (from 2020)
  • first contact physiotherapists (from 2020)
  • first contact community paramedics (from 2021).

Our Team

Meet our Leadership Team

Saddam Hussain
PCN Manager

Dr Nelofer Ali
Clinical Director

Meet our Digital Transformation Team

B Tabassum
Digital Transformation Lead

M Ithmam
Digital Team Member

Digital Team

This team is all about using technology to make your healthcare experience smoother and more convenient. They’re behind the local NHS App Road Show and they’ve helped prepare the Practices for GP Record access online. They also work on new ways to use technology to improve processes that streamline back-office operations, freeing up staff time to focus on your care.