Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Quote / Testimonial:
Information and advice on how to get involved in your local Patient Participation Group.

What is a PPG?

A PPG is a group is open to all patients on the GP practice list including all communities, groups, genders, ages ethnicities, disabilities, paid and unpaid carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service

Who sits on a PPG?

PPGs are usually made up of a group of volunteer patients and the practice manager. There is usually one of more of the GPs/staff from the practice too.

Purpose of a PPG?

The PPG works together with the practice to represent the patient’s voice in decision making, ensuring that all communities registered with the practice are represented.

Being part of a PPG provides an opportunity:

  • for patients and practice staff to meet and discuss constructive suggestions for improving the practice, and share concerns that could affect the wider practice population.
  • to explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to action plans and help monitor improvements
  • to design a newsletter for the practice, to provide regular updates to patients
  • to support health awareness and patient
  • to engage with the local communities to ensure the PPG is truly reflective of the practice population

How do I join my local PPG?

To find out more get in touch with the practice manager at your GP surgery.