Pharmacy Team

We have a dedicated pharmacy team made up of Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. Clinical Pharmacists are highly qualified experts who train for many years to become specialists in medicines, how they work and can help people in a range of ways. They can work directly with you, as part of the general practice team, to make sure your medicines help you get better and stay well. Pharmacy technicians play an important role, complementing clinical pharmacists, community pharmacists and other health care colleagues. The purpose of the role is to lead improvements to maximise safe, cost effective best practice in prescribing to improve the quality of patient care.

Having a clinical pharmacist at our PCN means that you can be treated by the best professionals for your needs. The role is pivotal to improving the quality of care, ensuring patient safety, outcomes and value through a person-centred approach, it also means that GPs can focus their skill where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with more complex problems.

What can the Pharmacy Team help with?

You will see a clinical pharmacist when you need expert advice on your medicines. They can answer questions about medication and support patients over the course of their treatment. 

  • Prescribing certain medications
  • Structured mediciation reviews
  • Reviewing your medication if you have been taking medication over a long time
  • Discuss changes in medication, either after a stay in hospital or seeing a consultant
  • Queries about medications
  • Experiencing side effects from medications
  • Managing a patient’s condition holistically
  • Ensuring patients get the most out of their medication
  • Ensuring there is joined-up care for patients.

How to access this service

Your GP practice will automatically refer into this service should they think it is necessary, if you feel you would benefit from this service please contact your GP surgery in the first instance.