Over 95% of pharmacies in England have signed up to the NHS Pharmacy First service which supports people in certain age groups who need help with :
- Earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
- Impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
- Infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
- Shingles (aged 18 years and over)
- Sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
- Sore throats (aged 5 years and over)
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women (aged 16 to 64 years) If you have symptoms that suggest you may have one of these conditions, you can walk into a pharmacy and be offered a consultation with a pharmacist in a private consultation room. Our staff can also electronically refer you to a pharmacy of your choice for the service.
Pharmacists will provide advice and, if clinically necessary, offer you an NHS medicine to treat your condition (NHS prescription charges apply if you normally pay for medicines supplied on prescription). They will then send us an electronic message so your GP health record can be updated.
Should the pharmacist be unable to help, you will be directed to our GP surgery or other health professional as appropriate.
If you have symptoms that suggest you have one of the above conditions, why not give the Pharmacy First service a try?
For more information, visit How pharmacies can help – NHS (www.nhs.uk).
What is Social Prescribing?
It’s estimated that one in five of the people who go to see their GP are troubled by things that can’t be cured by medical treatment. GPs tell us that they spend significant amounts of time dealing with the effects of poor housing, debt, stress and loneliness.
Many people are overwhelmed and can’t reach out to make the connections that could make a difference to their situation. This is especially true for people who have long-term conditions, who need support with their mental health, who are lonely or isolated, or who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
Our social prescribing link workers help people to identify what matters to them, and work out how to connect with the activities that might make a difference.
Social Prescribing is suitable for any patient whose health & wellbeing is being impacted by practical or social issues, such as:
- Benefits and money
- Employment and education
- Unemployment
- Loneliness and isolation
- Family
- Housing
Operated by the NHS Health & Care Trust, there are a range of mental health services available locally – including self-help and self-referral services.
Talking Therapies provides a range of free, confidential support to people aged 16 and over across Herefordshire and Worcestershire. This includes:
We can also help you find and access a variety of groups, courses and activities delivered by voluntary, charity and social enterprise providers that can support your physical and mental wellbeing. Our self-help guides are designed to help you understand how you are feeling, and cover a wide range of topics such as depression, anxiety and stress.
If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health, you can now contact the Herefordshire and Worcestershire 24 hour urgent mental health helpline by calling NHS 111 and selecting the mental health option.
Please click the link below for more information and to access the Talking Therapies website.
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) have specialist mental health workers trained to work with mental health difficulties among children and young people registered with our GPs. They offer a range of services to help young people get back to their daily activities, and manage their mental health.
Speech and language therapists work in partnership with children, their families and other professionals at Children’s Centres, schools, and other friendly, familiar settings.
If you’re worried about your child’s speech and language development, they can help.
Learn more by clicking here.
Worcestershire County Council have a range of provisions in place for children and young adults with disabilities and learning needs – and their website provides an invaluable resource for parents of children with special educational needs.
The Glade supports women and men who have experienced rape or sexual assault. All clients are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of gender identity, age, ethnicity, ability or sexuality.
For more information and support, please click here.
If you are experiencing pain, trauma, swelling, uncontrolled bleeding e.g. after an extraction and/or severe pain within your mouth, the Urgent Dental Care service offer a walk in service on weekends and bank holidays.
The NHS has created an A-Z guide to health conditions – allowing patients to search for and learn more about conditions affecting both themselves and their family.
We have a variety of resources to support with the safeguarding of adults and children. To learn more, visit our Safeguarding page by clicking here.
Are you a carer?
If you feel cut off from the information you desperately need, stressed, isolated or overwhelmed in your caring role and live in the Redditch area, then Carers Careline aims to help you tackle all these issues and more.
Established in March 1988, Carers Careline’s aim is to promote the health, mental and emotional wellbeing of adult carers in the local community through the identification of hidden carers, early intervention, preventative action and pastoral care.
Contact them on 01527 66177 Mon-Thu 10.00am-13.30pm or email : info@carerscareline.co.uk
*Anyone in the Worcestershire area can call Worcestershire Association of Carers Helpline on 0300 0124272 :
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, with a later opening time of 8pm on a Wednesday
Follow us at :
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarersCareline
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/carerscareline/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carerscareline/
For more information and support click here.