Our Services

Our Teams and Services

Management Team

Each PCN has at least one elected Clinical Director who is accountable to the GP practices in their PCN. In Feltham and Bedfont PCN, our Clinical Director is Dr Mark Remedios.

PCN Clinical Directors are responsible for:

  • Helping to steer the PCN and its GP practices to improve the quality of care, patient experience and develop new services or ways of working to meet the health needs of the PCN’s patients.
  • Encouraging and supporting the GP practices in the PCN to work together. This helps with things like sharing learning and experience so that patients get better outcomes from their care.
  • Providing leadership to ensure the workforce in the PCN is well supported and the PCN team has the right mix of clinical and non-clinical professionals.
  • Working closely with the Clinical Directors from the other 4 PCNs in Hounslow. This is important for when the PCNs need the same support or services, so something can be done once at a borough level instead of five times.

PCN Managers

Your PCN has one or more managers who supports the Clinical Director(s) and PCN with a wide range of business activities. For example, providing data to NHS England, supporting projects and helping all the GP surgery teams in their PCN work together and be involved in the role of the PCN. They help their PCN to work more closely with other providers for better patient care as well as identify ways to reduce health inequalities so everybody has the same access to health services in Hounslow.

PCN Management Team

Dr Mark Remedios
PCN Clinical Director

I’m a GP partner at Little Park Surgery and the current elected Clinical Director for the Feltham & Bedfont Primary Care Network. I am also a local resident who is passionate about improving mental health services in General Practice and addressing health inequalities.

Jessica Bennett
Senior PCN Manager

I am a Project and Business Development Manager with over 13 years’ experience in Public and Global Health. I worked in International Development for 10 years before transitioning to the NHS. I am passionate about designing and delivering high quality health programs and transforming health services to make them more holistic and patient-centred.

Orika Riley
Senior PCN Manager

Ahmad Syed
Lead Practice Manager

Nasrullah Sultani
Service Manager

Friends and colleagues call me Nas. In a past life, I was a nurse, phlebotomist and carer. More recently, I worked as a business and marketing manager supplying furniture to brands such as John Lewis. When COVID-19 struck, I joined the vaccination effort at Feltham Assembly Hall, eventually becoming a Service Manager with Feltham & Bedfont Primary Care Network. I speak Farsi, Dari and basic Arabic.

Renata Zarzycka
PCN Hub Manager

Pharmacy Team

Your Clinical Pharmacy team is made up of Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. Clinical Pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines and Clinical Technicians work alongside them to help you get the best from your medicines. They work closely with your GP surgery team and their PCN team to provide patients with personalised care.

Clinical Pharmacists

Clinical pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines. Clinical pharmacists work as part of your GP practice team to improve your outcomes from medicines. They consult with and treat you directly on behalf of your GP. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice if you’re taking multiple medicines and better access to health checks. They also pay an important role in managing care for patients as part of a multi-disciplinary team, that includes other health and care professionals.

Some Clinical Pharmacists are qualified to prescribe medicines. They may also have additional training and specialist areas. Such examples include: Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension and Chronic Pain management.

Watch these two videos to learn more about Clinical Pharmacists:

Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy technicians work alongside your GP practice team and Clinical Pharmacists to support the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems to get the best from medicines. They also support repeat prescribing, reduce medicine waste and maximise patient outcomes from their medicines.

Pharmacy technicians work under the supervision of a pharmacist and are registered healthcare professionals, responsible and accountable for their own accurate and safe practice.

Structured Medication Reviews

Clinical Pharmacists carry out Structured Medication Reviews for patients with ongoing health problems. These reviews help to improve patient safety, outcomes and value through a person-centred approach. Structured medication reviews are an evidence-based and comprehensive review of your medication, considering all aspects of your health. In a structured medication review, clinicians and patients work as equal partners to understand the balance between the benefits and risks of taking medicines, as well as the alternatives.

What will happen in my Structured Medication Review?

The Clinical Pharmacist will review your medication with you to make sure you are getting the most from your medicines. They will want to understand not only what is clinically best but what works best for you based on your lifestyle and how you normally manage your medicines. Your Clinical Pharmacist will think about all your medicines if you have multiple conditions and your health, and how medicines might be impacted.

Your review is done with you. Your Clinical Pharmacist will discuss and explain any proposed changes, so you understand them and are at the centre of any decisions.

How can I get the most from my appointment with my Clinical Pharmacist?

Please bring your medicines with you or have them nearby if you have a remote review. As with all health appointments, it’s a good idea to write down any questions or concerns you have, to make sure these get covered. You can see some general advice for preparing for an appointment with a health professional on the NHS website.

If you prefer to attend with someone else, please let your Clinical Pharmacist know and that you would like for them to be there.

What happens after the Structured Medication Review?

Any changes discussed will be added to your GP record so that your GP knows what was decided during your review. If the Clinical Pharmacist is an independent prescriber of the medicines you use, they can amend your prescription. Otherwise, they will discuss and arrange for the changes with your GP.

If you have any questions about your medication or your review, you can call your GP practice who can assist you or arrange for a follow-up.

Your appointment

You will be booked to see a clinical pharmacist for a structured medication review by your GP practice where appropriate. Your appointment may be face-to-face, by telephone or via a video call. A structured medication review appointment is usually around 30 minutes and sometimes more than one consultation may be required.

As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP practice as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your GP practice. Otherwise, you can contact your GP practice as you normally would.

Meet your Pharmacy team

Joanne Peh
Head of Hounslow PCN Pharmacy Services

Khatijah Choudry
Lead Senior Clinical Pharmacist

My main roles include managing a team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians within the FAB PCN. As well as working within the GP surgeries to support GPs with medication queries, structured medication reviews and reviewing patients.

The aspect which I enjoy the most is being able to work with the GPs to provide more proactive and personalised care for patients.

I am a qualified independent prescriber, and my scope of practice is pain which means I can prescribe medicines related to pain management. I am currently in the progress of expanding my scope of practice to include diabetics, hypertension, and asthma.

I have numerous years of hospital experience and three years of community experience, including working within the rapid response team. As a result, I have had the opportunity to gain experience in various roles across the NHS to expand my knowledge and skill set.

Meropi Mastropetrou
Senior Clinical Pharmacist

Qualifications: MPharm (pharmacy degree), MSc (postgraduate degree in Clinical Pharmacy), IP (independent prescriber)

I have been working in primary care for the last 4 years. As a pharmacist, I mainly conduct structured medication reviews and run chronic condition clinics with a particular interest in cardiometabolic renal disease and osteoporosis. I am an independent prescriber with a special focus on Type II Diabetes Mellitus in adults, but I will soon start engaging with Children and Young People’s asthma. I work as part of the multi-disciplinary team at the local GP surgeries and conduct weekly rounds at the local nursing/care homes.

Sandra Fahmy
Senior Clinical Pharmacist

Qualifications: MPharm (Independent prescriber), PG Dip

I am a senior clinical pharmacist with a special focus on oral anticoagulants. Prior to joining the PCN team, I gained 4 years of hospital experience rotating around many specialities e.g. AMU, vascular and stroke. My role predominately consisted of developing relationships with a multidisciplinary team to act as the main point of contact for medicines, participating in ward rounds, managing the process of medicines reconciliation on admittance or following

discharge, reducing wasteful polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing of medicines and handling patients and health care professionals’ prescription queries.

Raihaana Sharif
Senior Clinical Pharmacist

Jameel Mannan
Clinical Pharmacist

Sundas Nabi
Clinical Pharmacist

Nicholas Wong
Clinical Pharmacist

Ruiqi (Rachel) Ng
Clinical Pharmacist

I am one of the clinical pharmacists within the Feltham and Benfont PCN. I chose to join the PCN pharmacy team because I enjoy helping patients manage their conditions better so that they can live the life they enjoy and improve their quality of life. I believe the role can make a big impact on the community. I also worked as a community pharmacist previously and developed various skills such as vaccination and communications.

Abir Goreish
Clinical Pharmacist

Fady Doos
Clinical Pharmacist

Adisa Voloder-Muric
Senior Pharmacy Technician

I’m a pharmacy technician at Feltham and Bedfont PCN. I chose the PCN role because, as a pharmacy technician, I see the PCN as an excellent place to work and develop clinically. I really enjoy working as a part of a wider team, learning new things all the time, making a difference for patients, and supporting GPs.

Megha Gandhi
Senior Pharmacy Technician

Kajal Panchal
Senior Pharmacy Technician

Kandarp Kansara
Senior Pharmacy Technician

Care Coordinator Team

Care coordinators play an important role within a Primary Care Network. They proactively identify and support patients, including the frail/elderly and those with long-term conditions. The team provides coordination and navigation of care and support across health and care services for those patients. The care coordinators ensure that patient health and care planning is timely, efficient, and patient-centred.

Care Coordinators invite patients for reviews of their long-term conditions, screenings or vaccinations when they are due. They also book patient appointments with the most suitable clinician when online requests are made. This may not always be a GP, for example, they may book a patient to see the MSK First Contact Practitioners, Clinical Pharmacists or Social Prescribing Link Workers, where this is most appropriate. This helps free up GP time for those patients that need to see a GP.

Care Coordinators also organise and document the monthly meetings in GP practices with various health and care professionals, known as Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings (MDTs). These meetings discuss some patients in each practice with more complex health needs. The wide attendance at these meetings helps to ensure that patients can be seen by the most appropriate teams in a timely way.

The aims of our Care Coordinators are:

  • To help patients see the right professional for their concern
  • To provide quick and effective support to manage patient requests sent online
  • To support non-clinical support teams in the GP surgeries to be able to have more time to focus on patients that cannot use online services
  • To help clinical and non-clinical teams work together to make sure patient need are met
  • To help make sure practices and PCNs can reach as many eligible patients as possible for important things like cancer screening

Meet the Care Coordinator Team

We work with the PCN practices to help them provide proactive healthcare to patients with the help of a diverse team of healthcare professionals. We enjoy working in the health care environment which is both interesting and varies day to day.

Mariam Masood
Lead Care Coordinator

I have been working within the NHS for almost 10 years. I am passionate about supporting local residents and the wider PCN to deliver quality support and accessing the best care possible.

Sonia Motwani
Care Coordinator

Veronica McKeegan
Care Coordinator

Purnima Vitavkar
Care Coordinator

Bennette Roshan
Care Coordinator

Harry Horner
Care Coordinator

Charveen Sapra
Care Coordinator

Nidhi Kumar
Care Coordinator

MSK First Contact Practitioner Team

If you’ve got new pain in your joint or muscle, your GP practice may decide to offer you an appointment with a Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner (FCP). As highly trained Physiotherapists, their job is to assess and diagnose your problem and provide a treatment plan. Your FCP will organise any prescriptions, scans, tests or referrals they think you need. They can also provide a fit note if required.

What can FCP help with?

Watch this video about when to see an FCP:

Conditions FCPs can help with include:

  • All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries
  • Arthritis – any joint
  • Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone, e.g. tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
  • Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain
  • Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms, e.g. pins and needles or numbness
  • Changes to walking
  • Post-orthopaedic surgery

Who is not suitable to see an FCP ?

Some patients will not be suitable to see an FCP, this includes:

  • Acutely unwell
  • Children under 16
  • Medical management of rheumatoid conditions
  • Women’s health, antenatal and postnatal problems
  • House-bound patients
  • Medication reviews
  • Neurological and respiratory conditions
  • Headaches
  • Acute mental health crises


Your GP practice may offer you an appointment with the FCP based on your symptoms. You can self-refer to see an FCP by contacting your GP practice as you usually would for an appointment – please indicate that you would like to see an FCP. If your symptoms are appropriate for an FCP and you do not meet the exclusion criteria, then the GP practice team can offer you an assessment with the FCP.

As with all appointments provided by your GP practice, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP practice as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your GP practice. Otherwise, you can contact your GP practice as you normally would.


There are a wide range of FCP resources available for patients on the following topics:

  • Arthritis, joint and soft tissue injuries
  • Back pain
  • Bone Health
  • Pain
  • Strength and fitness

Meet your MSK First Contact Practitioner team

Aileen Robinson
Lead First Contact Practitioner

In June 2021 I joined HRCH and FaB PCN as the FCP Lead. Prior to this my 20-year career was split equally between the NHS and private practice. I worked at Guy’s and St Thomas’s, HCA and Six Physio, amongst others. I have always had a passion for working in sport, mostly national-level rugby but also a stint with the Fiji Ladies 7s team on their world tour in 2015 and at the Aquatics Centre during the 2012 Olympics. I took a Masters in Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy at Cardiff University in 2008. I am passionate about what I do – supporting my teammates and seeing my clients succeed. I hope to complete non-medical prescriber and injection therapy modules early in 2023.

Richard Lill
First Contact Practitioner

Ahead of graduating with a BSC in Physiotherapy from St George’s University in 2005 I gained a BSc in Sports Science at the University of Roehampton. I have now been working in MSK Physiotherapy for 14 years after completing some rotations in my early career. Outside of the NHS I have worked as a Physiotherapist at Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club Youth Academy and at a private MSK Physiotherapy practice in Ealing. I have just achieved a PG Dip in Advanced Physiotherapy Practice from the University of Hertfordshire.

Raziya Bedford
First Contact Practitioner

I qualified as a physiotherapist from the University of East London in 2001. I have vast experience in many areas of Physiotherapy, including neurology, orthopaedics, and MSK. I have worked for HRCH since 2013, and I am currently working towards a Master’s Degree in Advanced Physiotherapy Practice.

Mental Health Practitioner Team

Mental Health Practitioners are now working as part of most GP practices to help patients get the support they need. They are healthcare practitioners trained to support patients with their mental health. They support your GP by helping to get patients quicker access to mental health expertise.

If you are referred to a mental health practitioner, they will work with you to understand your needs. After assessing your needs, they will provide treatment advice and support shared decision-making about self-management. If appropriate, they may support you with brief interventions relevant to your needs over a small number of sessions. Where needed, they can make referrals to specialist mental health services.

Mental health practitioners can:

  • help you with talking therapies to support a wide range of topics and issues
  • provide tools and techniques to help manage symptoms
  • support you if you are experiencing the psychological effects of managing long-term conditions, such as diabetes

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with mental health issues, speak to someone at your local GP practice who can arrange the right kind of support for you.

For more urgent advice and support, West London NHS Trust provides a Support and Advice Line on a 24-hour, 7 days a-week basis which can be accessed via 0800 328 4444. This service is provided by specially trained mental health advisors and healthcare professionals who will be able to offer support and guidance around the next steps for you or the person you are concerned about.

Your appointment

You will be booked to see a mental health practitioner by your GP practice where appropriate. Your appointment may be face-to-face or via a video or telephone call.

If you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP practice as soon as possible so your appointment can be made available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your GP practice. Otherwise, you can complete an online form to cancel or reschedule an appointment.

Meet your Mental Health Practitioner Team

Proceed Ndlovu

Mental Health Practitioner

Amaya Zubimendi

Mental Health Practitioner

Home Visiting Team

The PCN Home Visiting Team supports urgent care and assessment for housebound patients. They also carry out Long Term Conditions (LTCs) reviews for permanently housebound patients. They work independently to provide care in a range of situations but always stay in contact with your GP about any care provided.

If you are referred to the Home Visiting Team, you will receive a visit from a paramedic acting on behalf of your GP. Paramedics are registered healthcare professionals who have a unique role that crosses health and social care, public health, social care and public safety. Your paramedic will work closely with your GP to manage any follow-up actions from your visit, so you don’t have to – for example, referrals or changes to medication.


Your GP will refer you to the paramedic team. Paramedics will visit patients requiring urgent care on the same day. The paramedic will contact you for routine visits to arrange a time to visit you at home. However, as the team needs to respond to the changing wellness of patients and could be impacted by traffic, they may need to make changes at short notice.

As with all appointments provided by your GP practice, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP practice as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your GP practice. Otherwise, you can contact your GP practice as you normally would.

Meet our Home Visiting Team

Georgia Holden
Paramedic and Home Visiting Lead

Social Prescribing Team

Social Prescribers (also known as Link Workers) now form part of your GP practice team. They give people time to focus on what matters to them and link people to services and groups in their local community in accordance with their needs.

Social Prescribing is a personalised approach to healthcare that looks at all the possible needs of individuals from a non-clinical point of view. It recognises that people’s wellbeing is determined by a range of social, economic and environmental factors (e.g. housing, financial, employment, isolation). It is by addressing these concerns that individuals become empowered and attain greater control over their lives and therefor their health and wellbeing.

Our Social Prescribers support patients aged 18 or over. Social prescribing works well for individuals who have:

  • One or more long-term conditions
  • Require support with low-level mental health issues
  • Feel lonely / isolated
  • Have complex social needs

Your appointment with the social prescribing link worked will usually be 30-60 minutes and can be face-to-face, or via video or telephone call.


You will be booked to see a social prescribing link worker by your GP practice team where appropriate. You may also be referred by any other agency in Hounslow.

As with all appointments provided by your GP practice, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP practice as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your GP practice. Otherwise, you can contact your GP practice as you normally would.

Cheryl Chin
Social Prescribing Team Lead

I have a BSc in Health Development and background working with children, young people and families.

Farhanda Shah
Social Prescriber

I have a BSc in Nutrition & Dietetics and background in working within Public Health as well as previous experience as a civil servant working with various groups of the population.

Debbie Benefield
Social Prescriber

I have experience in market research, pastoral care and mental health support volunteering.

Thomas Sheldrake
Social Prescriber

I have an Undergraduate Degree in Health and Exercise Science (Community) and a Masters in Chronic Disease Management. I have a keen interest in Public Health and previous experience in dementia care at the Royal Star and Garter.

Katerina Sohail
Social Prescriber for Children and Young People

I’m passionate about connecting people to community-based support, including activities and services that meet social, emotional and practical needs that can affect health and well-being. I’m looking forward to working closely with the Feltham and Bedfont communities, local schools, PCN network and The Reach Foundation to find more sources of support for local children and young people.

Health & Wellbeing Coach Team

Health & Wellbeing coaches can help by

  • providing coaching support to help you manage your condition
  • working with you to identify your health and wellbeing goals
  • signposting you to helpful resources and peer support groups

Your appointment

Our Health & Wellbeing Coaches will be working across Hounslow to support PCN projects and Healthy Hounslow’s Health Check service. This is a walk-in service and does not accept referrals, instead our team of professionals operate out of a converted ambulance and travel to different locations, events and communities across Hounslow. For more information, please visit Healthy Hounslow – Health Checks.

If you would like to access health coaching please visit Healthy Hounslow and complete the online assessment form or call the telephone number provided.

Health & Wellbeing Coach Team

Stella Oryang
Health & Wellbeing Coach

Kulvinder Sharma
Health & Wellbeing Coach

Hounslow’s new health and wellbeing service
Extended Access Service

What is Extended Access?

GP practices in the PCN work together to provide extra appointments in the evenings and weekends. This is called the Extended Access Service. It helps to make more appointments available for patients if a GP practice is fully booked. It also helps provide flexibility for patients who may need to arrange an appointment in the evening or at weekends if their GP practice is not open.

Who can book an appointment in Extended Access?

Any patient registered at one of the 13 GP practices in Feltham & Bedfont PCN can book an appointment in Extended Access. This is true even if your GP practice is not one of the GP practices providing the Extended Access service.

Please note, if you are offered one of these appointments, you may be asked to visit a different GP practice, at a different location.

How do I book an appointment in Extended Access?

Your GP practice team may offer you an appointment with the Extended Access Service if you need an appointment before they can provide one in your own GP practice. If you would prefer an evening or weekend appointment, please ask your GP practice staff when requesting an appointment, and they will try to arrange this where possible. You can request a telephone, video or face-to-face appointment if you prefer.

Who provides appointments in Extended Access?

Our Extended Access Service is provided by the following GP practices. If you are given a face-to-face appointment, you can visit their website for details on how to get there.

Changing or cancelling an appointment in Extended Access

As with all appointments, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP practice as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your GP practice. Otherwise, you can contact your GP practice as you normally would. If it is a same-day cancellation and your GP practice is not open, you can call the GP practice where your Extended Access appointment is scheduled to take place.

Preparing for your appointment

Before your appointment, you may find it helpful to access this NHS guidance about what to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional. Useful information on how to prepare for a Structured Medication Review can be found on this page under the tab for Pharmacy Team.