The Kensington Group Practice Westmoreland Road, Douglas, IM1 4QA

Order Repeat Medication Online

Patient Access

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Patient Access

If your doctor agrees, you may obtain repeat prescriptions from the reception.The prescription will be printed and a slip will be attached which should be used when requesting future prescriptions ( the right side tear- off part).

You can simply request future repeat prescription items my ‘ticking’ the relevant box on the right side.

Occasionally you will be required to be seen for a medication review; this would normally be with your regular Doctor and a reminder may appear on your repeat slip indicating this.

Please allow 48 working hours when requesting a prescription via the website, in writing or if you send your request slip by post, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

To avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, requests for repeat prescriptions by telephone will not be taken.

Please allow extra time if you would prefer to have the completed prescription forwarded to a specific Pharmacy.

Prescriptions will not be given to unaccompanied children under 16.

Please complete the online form below to request a repeat prescription.

Prescription Requests

Please send your prescription requests to and be sure to include your Full Name and Date of Birth.