About us

About Us

What is a Primary Care Network?

Primary Care Networks were introduced in 2019 as part of the NHS Long Term plan.  As the population grows and people live longer, often with more complex needs,  GP services have had to adapt to these changing needs.

GP practices are working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in local areas in groups of practices known as Primary Care Networks.

Take a look at this short animation from NHS England which explains how they work.

Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)

Primary Care Networks have been given funding to provide up to an additional 18 roles to create bespoke multi-disciplinary teams within their individual network. 

PCN’s assess the needs of their local population and, working with local community services, make support available to people where it is most needed.

Find out more on each of the ARRS roles in the video.

Our Vision

Havering Health’s vision is described as supporting solutions for quality care by a valued workforce. We believe in offering a well-resourced, high-quality health provision provided by local clinicians who have expertise in, understanding of, and commitment to their community.

We plan to do this by:

  • Representing primary care interest in the local health economy
  • Supporting our PCNs
  • Continually improving the quality and delivery of patient care
  • Generating new sources of income
We believe in offering a well-resourced, high quality health provisions provided by local clinicians who have expertise in, understanding of, and commitment to their community.
We pride ourselves on being partnership driven, person centered, and focused on making a positive impact.
We will continue to build our health and care partnership to offer sustainable and high quality services led by local clinicians who have an expert understanding of, and commitment to our local community.
As a learning organisation, we are inclusive, accountable, and supportive.
To increase capacity so our patients can access services they need at a time that suits them.
– Working in Partnerships
– Readiness to support members
– Innovation
– Workforce
– Respect
– Sustainability
– Patient Cantered Care
– Sustainability
– Right Person, Right Place, Right Time

Meet our Team

Havering Health Federation team consists of both Clinical and non-clinical resources making up the Board and Corporate team.

Havering Health Board

Havering Health Board members are elected and appointed to act on behalf of the Member Practices who are the shareholders.

The Board Members are directly accountable to the shareholders and each year Havering Health holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which the Directors provide a report to all shareholders on the performance of Havening Health, and also represent themselves for re-election in line with the Articles of Association.

The agreed objectives of Havering Health are defined in the Articles of Association and its arrangements with member practices in the subscription agreement.

All Directors are local GPs that work in different parts of the Havering Borough.

Dr David Derby
Clinical Board Director / Chairman

In addition to his role as the Board Chairman, David is also a joint lead on CQC matters

Dr Noreen Tariq
Clinical Board Director / Company Secretary

Noreen leads the Care Home MDTs, Access Hubs (Joint) and CQC (Joint)

Dr Bunmi Olajide
Clinical Board Director

Bunmi leads on Education and jointly leads the Access Hubs

Dr Meera Kalathara
Clinical Board Director

Meera leads on Long Term Condition (LTC) management, wound care, spirometry and FeNo. She is also the joint Digital and IT lead

Dr Richard Burack
Clinical Board Director

Richard is the Safeguarding lead and joint lead on Digital and IT

Havering Health Corporate Team

Helen Page
Chief Executive Officer

Helen’s role as CEO is to set a clear vision, develop and communicate strategy, build strong leadership teams, provide inspirational leadership, make tough decisions, nurture relationships, embrace innovation, balance short-term and long-term goals, act as the face of the organisation, and invest in continuous learning.

Shuhela Hannan
Primary Care Contracts & Development Manager

Shuhela manages the business contracts and ensures that key performance targets and outcomes are delivered. She provides leadership to the service operational team and identifies and develops services and opportunities. Her role is essential to cultivating and maintaining relationships with GPs, PCN leaders, commissioners and external partners.

Mani Khan
Transformation Manager

Mani oversees many of the programmes of work in Havering Health. Her valued leadership and guidance regarding QI, transformation, corporate and PCN development improvements has enabled HH to grow and flourish.

Simran Girdhar
Human Resources & Office Manager

Simran manages Human Resources (HR) operations which include recruitment, onboarding, training and employee relations. She also supports PCN managers with staffing and oversees office administration of the Havering Health Limited Rush Green Office.

Leanne Davidson
Access Service Manager

Leanne manages the Enhanced Access and Same Day Extended Access Services. She oversees the operational delivery of these services on behalf of the PCNs, ensuring that the services run smoothly across the PCN hub sites and are delivered to the highest standard of care. She manages the clinical and administration teams to enable safe, effective care.

Edward Noonan
Primary Care Service Lead/ CYP Imms Coordinator

Ed is the service lead for both the Spirometry and Simple Wound care service. He takes charge in the management and delivery of key objectives. This involves meeting both our contractual requirements and our patient needs. Alongside this, he also lends assistance where required in managing our access services. Within the role of CYP Imms coordinator, the fundamental task is to help improve the uptake of childhood Immunisations across all practices in the borough.

Sandra Smith
Hub Co-ordinator

Crest PCN

Sandra works as a PCN hub coordinator. She manages the Enhanced Access (EA) to ensure that the services provided run smoothly and effectively. This involves daily interaction with the PCN Practices, patients, supervisors, clinicians, site administrators and all other support staff. She ensures that all the appointment slots are set up to 3 weeks in advance and staffed accordingly. She also carries out regular site visits to monitor compliance with all CQC requirements. The aim is to take the pressure from the GP practices within our PCNs, by offering a range of Clinician appointments 6 days per week with our SDA service running on Sundays. She also ensures clinical safety nets are in place for patients who need urgent onward referrals to our hospitals.

Jennifer Moore
Hub Co-ordinator

Liberty PCN

Jennifer works as a PCN hub coordinator. She manages the Enhanced Access (EA) to ensure that the services provided run smoothly and effectively. This involves daily interaction with the PCN Practices, patients, supervisors, clinicians, site administrators and all other support staff. She ensures that all the appointment slots are set up to 3 weeks in advance and staffed accordingly. She also carries out regular site visits to monitor compliance with all CQC requirements. The aim is to take the pressure from the GP practices within our PCNs, by offering a range of Clinician appointments 6 days per week with our SDA service running on Sundays. She also ensures clinical safety nets are in place for patients who need urgent onward referrals to our hospitals.

Mandy White
Hub Co-ordinator

North PCN

Mandy works as a PCN hub coordinator. She manages the Enhanced Access (EA) to ensure that the services provided run smoothly and effectively. This involves daily interaction with the PCN Practices, patients, supervisors, clinicians, site administrators and all other support staff. She ensures that all the appointment slots are set up to 3 weeks in advance and staffed accordingly. She also carries out regular site visits to monitor compliance with all CQC requirements. The aim is to take the pressure from the GP practices within our PCNs, by offering a range of Clinician appointments 6 days per week with our SDA service running on Sundays. She also ensures clinical safety nets are in place for patients who need urgent onward referrals to our hospitals.

Christine Lowry
Hub Co-ordinator

South PCN

Christine works as a PCN hub coordinator. She manages the Enhanced Access (EA) to ensure that the services provided run smoothly and effectively. This involves daily interaction with the PCN Practices, patients, supervisors, clinicians, site administrators and all other support staff. She ensures that all the appointment slots are set up to 3 weeks in advance and staffed accordingly. She also carries out regular site visits to monitor compliance with all CQC requirements. The aim is to take the pressure from the GP practices within our PCNs, by offering a range of Clinician appointments 6 days per week with our SDA service running on Sundays. She also ensures clinical safety nets are in place for patients who need urgent onward referrals to our hospitals.

Urvashi Bhagat
Finance Consultant

Urvashi has overall responsibility for financial performance, legal and compliance matters, oversight of all contract negotiations, and business development matters for Havering Health limited. She also offers commercial and contracts support to Crest PCN as required.

Hasan Kabir
Finance Manager

Hasan manages day to day finance operation in the organisation-including managing income and expenditure and preparation of Management account of Havering Health.
He provides finance support to 3 Havering Health PCNs – providing back-office support for all financial income and expenditure as well as Monthly Management account. He also manages financial control and liaison with ICB, LBH and other stakeholders including all the GP practices in the borough of Havering.

Chiamaka Friday
Account Assistant

Chiamaka manages all accounts payable functions at Havering Health Ltd. She also assists the Finance Manager & Finance Consultant with other finance and accounting related duties.

Wole Oladele
Project Officer

Wole supports the Havering Health and Havering GP Leadership Boards, manages the care home MDTs and chairs the PM forum. He also provides project-specific tasks and supports strategy development that ensures the smooth operation of the federation.

Havering’s PCN Leadership Structure

Our Projects

We have led and supported a wide range of transformation projects, which have made a positive impact across Havering.

In development and will be added when ‘ready’!