
The specialist nurses care for patients referred with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis and difficult asthma. This community based service focuses on care management, resulting in patient education and empowerment, optimising of medication, admission avoidance, pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy monitoring and palliative care together with consultant led community clinics.

This service has significantly reduced the burden of respiratory disease. It is delivered in an integrated way with provider partners, including local hospitals. Patients can also access  anxiety management and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for long term condition management services. These services are embedded into PICS to support patients and carers emotional and psychological needs. The team is instrumental in providing support to the local Breathe Easy group. These are self-help groups that the team support under the umbrella of the British Lung Foundation.

 The service has resulted in

  • Reduced admissions to hospital, with more care more provided locally in the community.
  • The establishment of a skilled community team providing respiratory care that visits patients in their homes and care homes, providing a caring and effective service.
  • Effective links between a private provider of pulmonary rehabilitation (BOC) and the local PICS service provided by NHS paid professionals.

The service can be accessed via your local GP.