Self-Referral Guide

There are a lot of services available that you can self-refer into without the need to see your GP.

Non-urgent advice: Please note

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Adult Bladder & Bowel Service

Talking about bladder and bowel problems is sensitive and can be embarrassing for many.  Our new digital self-referral removes any awkwardness enabling patients to self-refer directly to the service without discussing with GP or other health care professional.  Instead patients can self-refer from their mobile devices using the below QR code.

Tel No: 03000 267979 (option 2)

Podiatry Service

You can now also self refer by completing the self referral form on the page and returning it to the address/email provided on the bottom of the form. Follow the link: County Durham and Darlington – Podiatry Self Referral Form (

Smoking Cessation

Talking Therapies

NHSE has launched a campaign to encourage anyone struggling with feelings of depression or anxiety, such as excessive worry, panic attacks, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or obsessions and compulsions, to seek help through NHS Talking Therapies services. The service is effective, confidential and free.

Talking therapies, or psychological therapies, are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners. They can help if you’re struggling with things like feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).