Practice Policies & Patient Information
Accessing someone else’s information
Accessing someone else’s information
As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.
To requests proxy access:
- collect a proxy access form from reception from 10am to 6pm
Linked profiles in your NHS account
Once proxy access is set up, you can access the other person’s profile in your NHS account, using the NHS App or website.
The NHS website has information about using linked profiles to access services for someone else.
Care Data
Information about you and the care you receive is shared, in a secure system, by healthcare staff to support your treatment and care.
It is important that we, the NHS, can use this information to plan and improve services for all patients.
We would like to link information from all the different places where you receive care, such as your GP, hospital and community service, to help us provide a full picture.
This will allow us to compare the care you received in one area against the care you received in another, so we can see what has worked best.
Information such as your postcode and NHS number, but not your name, will be used to link your records in a secure system, so your identity is protected.
Information which does not reveal your identity can then be used by others, such as researchers and those planning health services, to make sure we provide the best care possible for everyone.
You have a choice
If you are happy for your information to be used in this way you do not have to do anything.
If you have any concerns or wish to prevent this from happening, please speak to practice staff or click on the link below “opt out form”, complete it and return it to the practice.
We need to make sure that you know this is happening and the choices you have.
Click on links below for more information:
How Information about you helps us to provide better care
Care Data – Frequently Asked Questions
Care Data – Opt out form, Download, complete and return to the practice
Comments / Constructive Criticism / Suggestions
All members of our Primary Health Care Team are keen to provide patients with the highest standard possible of care.
Therefore we are always willing to hear from patients with constructive criticism or suggestions about the ways of improving the services we offer.
Please feel free to direct your comments or suggestions in person or by letter to our practice manager.
We would of course be pleased to hear when you feel praise is deserved / due as well.
Should you have any cause for complaint or matters of concern regarding the service you have received from the doctors or any other member of staff working for this practice you are entitled to ask for an explanation.
We operate an informal in-house complaints procedure to deal with any problems that may occur.
Complaints should be addressed to the practice manager who will ensure that they are investigated thoroughly.
Any formal complaints should be put in writing and addressed to the Practice Manager.
If you feel that you have cause for complaint we would rather hear about it from you than you remain dissatisfied.
This procedure does not deal with matters of legal liability or compensation.
In some cases the in-house procedure is not an appropriate form of investigation; in this instance your complaint will need to be referred to the appropriate authority.
As a practice we must comply with the Data Protection Act.
This means that we must ensure a strict adherence to the rule of medical confidentiality. We are not being obstructive when we say that we cannot provide any information, results or tests etc to anyone other than the patient in question without the appropriate authority – signed declaration.
The practice is fully computerised which improves the efficiency and service we can offer you. All information is completely confidential and secure and the practice is registered under the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act.
Information will only be shared with those who are involved in your medical care; this could include District Nurses, Health Visitors, Midwives and other healthcare professionals.
Information for other parties such as Insurance Companies, Solicitors or Employers will only be given on receipt of your written consent.
You have the right to view any such report and this should be indicated at the time of your consent.
You may also view your medical records by special appointment only. Should you wish to do this, you must provide the practice with a written request. Where copy records are required a fee will be payable in which will not exceed £50.
Only those NHS staff that need to, can access your information. NHS staff is bound by the NHS Confidentiality Code of Conduct – Professional Codes of Conduct and the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality. All staff has requirements in their contracts of employment that require them to maintain confidentiality.
You can request that we do not share your medical data with other staff or parts of the NHS but this may affect the treatment you are given.
Do not ask for information about anyone other than yourself.
Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.
We only ever pass on information about you, if people have genuine need for it and if it is in yours and everyone’s best interest. For instance, if you suffer from a chronic condition.
Fees for Non-NHS Services
The services shown are not provided under the National Health Service contract and the following fees will be charged.
If you have any questions relating to these fees, please address them to the Practice Manager or your doctor before requesting the service.
Please note that in exceptional circumstances an individual GP may decide not to charge a fee.
This would be entirely at their discretion and would only be in that particular instance.
Access to Medical Records
Please enquire at reception or ring for further information.
Please enquire at reception or ring for further information | |
Private Prescription | £15.00 |
Private Sick Note | £15.00 |
Private Insurance Claim Forms | £15.00 – £25.00 |
Private Consultation – not including other services i.e. Referral,
Report(s), Diagnostics, ECG etc |
£60.00 |
To Whom It May Concern Letter (private letter) | £15.00 – £45.00 |
Employment, Pre-Employment Medical and Report | £165.00 |
Employment, Pre-Employment Report – No Examination
(Fitness to Work) |
£75.00 |
Report & Examination
Report – No Examination ‘Others’ – by Negotiation |
£90.00 HGV £50.00 Taxi£49.00 |
Photocard / Driving Licence Signature | £20.00 |
Extract from Records Print out
Report |
£20.00 – £50.00
£50.00 |
Medical Insurance Short Certificate / Incapacity
(e.g. BUPA, PPA, PPP) |
£20.00 |
Medical Insurance Report or extract from Medical Records | £50.00 |
Medical Assessment Reports (Fee fixed by Insurance company £ 89.00) | |
Patient / Employer / Insurance |
Full Medical & Report (Private 45 mins) | £165.00 |
Report – No Examination (Private 30 mins) | £75.00 |
Extract from Records – No Examination (Private) | £50.00 |
Report on Proforma (20mins) | £60.00 |
Certificate of Incapacity (Patient / Insurance Co.) | £15.00 – £25.00 |
Fitness for Gym | £20.00 |
Sports Medical e.g. Scuba Diving, Racing Car Diving, etc | £99.00 |
Shotgun Licence – Character Reference (No Examination) | £30.00 |
Private Prescription (Travel) | £15.00 |
Fit to Travel certificate (Patient) | £15.00 – £45.00 |
Fit to Travel Statement with Examination (Patient / Insurance Co.) | £90.00 |
Cancellation of Holiday Claim Form | £15.00 – £25.00 |
Simple Certificates
Letter re. medication through customs More Complicated Certificate (Patient / Insurance Co.) |
£20.00 £20.00 £20.00 – £45.00 |
PATIENTS Not Eligible for NHS treatment | |
Private Consultation (20 minutes) | £60.00 |
Private Prescription | £15.00 |
ECG | £37.00 |
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Data Protection Legislation is Changing
What is Changing?
From the 25th May 2018, the current UK Data Protection Act 1998 is being replaced by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.
The new legislation is very similar to the 1998 Act but provides some enhanced rights for individuals around how the Practice uses your information.
Why do we need your information?
The NHS Act 2006 and Health and Social Care Act 2012 invests statutory functions on GP Practices to promote and provide the health service to improve quality of services, reduce inequalities, conduct research, review performance of services and deliver education & training. To do this we will need to process your information in accordance with current data protection legislation to:
Protect your vital interests;
- Pursue our legitimate interests as a provider of medical care, particularly where the individual is a child or vulnerable adult
- Performs tasks in the public’s interests
- deliver preventative medicine, medical diagnosis, medical research; and
- Manage the health and social system and services.
Should require any further information on GDPR or Data Protection Act, this can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website:
You can also contact the Practices Data Protection Officer. When contacting the Data Protection Officer please ensure that you include the details of the Practice.
Data Protection Officer: Mr James Carroll
Tel No: 0191 404 1000 Ext 3436
Email address:
See Our Documents for surgery policies
Privacy Notice – Direct Care (routine care and referrals)
Information Technology
The practice keeps patients’ records in both computerised and paper form.
We ask you for information about yourself, so that you can receive proper care and treatment.
We keep this information recorded as it greatly assists us with your care.
Should you have a diagnosis such as IHD, asthma or diabetes your name may be added to a computerised register specifically for such patients.
This information may be shared with other members of the NHS.
Whenever we can, we shall remove details, which identify you. The sharing, of some types of very sensitive personal information is strictly controlled by law.
Should you have any concerns about any aspects of confidentiality, information being held about you.
Please remember we are here to listen, not to tell. We provide a confidential service to all our patients, including under 16’s. This means that you can tell others about your visit – we won’t!
3rd parties have a legal duty to keep your information confidential.
Named Accountable GP
From 1st April 2015, all patients registered at any GP practice are required to be allocated a named accountable GP.
What does ‘accountable’ mean?
The named accountable GP is responsible for the co-ordination of all appropriate services required under the contract and ensure they are delivered to each patient where required.
However, this does not mean that they will be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to that patient.
These responsibilities will be carried out within the opening hours of the Practice and do not change the way you currently access care outside these hours.
Will GP practices write to patients to inform them of their named GP?
No. However, we will inform patients of their named GP on request.
Can patients choose their own named GP?
The Practice will allocate a named GP for each patient.
However, if a patient requests a different named GP, reasonable effort will be made to accommodate their preference.
Do patients have to see their named GP when they book an appointment?
No. Patients can, and should, feel free to choose to see any GP or nurse in the practice in line with current arrangements. As all patients have an electronic medical record this ensures that all clinicians in the Practice have access to the most accurate and up to date information. If you request an urgent appointment, this will be with any of the doctors who have available appointments.
All patients registered at Villette Surgery have been allocated a named accountable GP.
Please be aware that this does not affect your ability to make an appointment with any of the GPs in the practice of your choosing
NHS Constitution
How Villette Surgery implements the NHS Constitution
The Practice:
- Provides a comprehensive service, available to all irrespective of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity or marital or civil partnership status, and has a duty to respect their human rights.
- Promotes equality through the service, providing and to paying particular attention to groups or sections of society where improvements in health and life expectancy are not keeping pace with the rest of the population.
- Provides access to services based on clinical need, not on an individual’s ability to pay.
- Aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism, providing safe and effective high-quality care focused on patient experience.
- Ensures that it is effectively lead and managed and its staff receives relevant education, training and development.
- Its services reflect the needs and preferences of patients, their families and carers who will be involved in and consulted on all decisions about their care and treatment.
- Ensures that it works across organisational boundaries and in partnership with other organisations in the interest of patients, local communities and the wider population.
- Is accountable to the public, communities and patients that it serves.
- Supports staff when they raise concerns about the service by ensuring their concerns are fully investigated and that there is someone independent, outside of their team, to speak to.
Patient Rights
Patients have the right:
- To receive NHS services free of charge, apart from certain limited exceptions sanctioned by Parliament.
- To access NHS services and not be refused access on unreasonable grounds.
- To expect the Practice to assess the health requirements of the local community and to commission and put in place the services to meet those needs as considered necessary.
- In certain circumstances to go to other European Economic Area countries or Switzerland for treatment which would be available through the NHS.
- Not to be unlawfully discriminated against in the provision of NHS services including on grounds of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity or marital or civil partnership status.
- To access services within maximum waiting times, or to be offered a range of alternative providers if this is not possible.
- To be treated with a professional standard of care, by appropriately qualified and experienced staff, in a properly approved or registered organisation that meets required levels of safety and quality.
- To be treated with dignity and respect, in accordance with their human rights.
- To accept or refuse treatment that is offered, and not to be given any physical examination or treatment unless valid consent has been given.
- To be given information about their proposed treatment in advance, including any significant risks and any alternative treatments which may be available, and the risks involved in doing nothing.
- To privacy and confidentiality and to expect the Practice to keep their confidential information safe and secure.
- To access their own health records.
- To choose their GP practice, and to be accepted by that Practice unless there are reasonable grounds to refuse, in which case they will be informed of those reasons.
- To express a preference for using a particular doctor within their GP Practice.
- To make choices about their NHS care and to information to support these choices.
- To be involved in discussions and decisions about their healthcare, and to be given information to enable them to do this.
- To be involved, directly or through representatives, in the planning of healthcare services, the development and consideration of proposals for changes in the way those services are provided, and in decisions to be made affecting the operation of those services.
- To have any complaint they make about NHS services dealt with efficiently, to have it properly investigated, know the outcome and how to escalate the complaint to the independent Health Service Ombudsman.
- To make a claim for judicial review if they think they have been directly affected by an unlawful act or decision of an NHS body.
- To compensation where they have been harmed by negligent treatment.
Patient Responsibilities
- To make a significant contribution to their own, and their family’s, good health and well-being, and take some personal responsibility for it.
- Register with a GP Practice.
- To treat NHS staff and other patients with respect and recognise that causing a nuisance or disturbance on NHS premises could result in prosecution.
- To provide accurate information about their health, condition and status.
- To keep appointments, or cancel within reasonable time.
- To follow the course of treatment which they have agreed, and talk to their clinician if they find this difficult.
- To participate in important public health programmes such as vaccination.
- To ensure that those closest to them are aware of their wishes about organ donation.
- To give feedback – both positive and negative – about the treatment and care they have received, including any adverse reactions they may have had.
Patients with Particular Needs
The Practice has suitable access for disabled patients.
We also have parking spaces for patients displaying a disabled sticker.
For patients with hearing aids we have a special induction loop system in our reception.
We can arrange interpretation and translation services for patients who do not speak English; please let us know if you need this service when booking your appointment.
Practice Charter
Patient’s Rights to General Medical Services
- To be offered a health check on joining a doctor’s list for the first time.
- To have appropriate medicine prescribed.
- To be referred to a Consultant acceptable to them when they and their GP thinks it is necessary, and to be referred for a second opinion if they and their GP think it is advisable.
- To have access to their health records, subject to any limitations of the law, and to know that those working for the NHS are under a legal duty to keep those records confidential.
- To choose whether to take part in research or medical student training.
- To receive a copy of their doctors practice leaflet, setting out the services that he or she provides.
- To receive a full and prompt reply to any complaints they make about the care they receive at the DR BRIGHAM & PARTNERS.
- Our aims are to offer the highest standard of health care and advice to our patients, with the resources available to us.
- We have a team approach to patient care and endeavour to monitor the service provided to patients, to ensure that it meets current standards of excellence.
- We are dedicated to ensuring that Practice staff and Doctors are trained to the highest level and to provide a stimulating and rewarding environment in which to work.
Our Practice Charter
- You will be treated with courtesy and respect by all Practice personnel.
- An urgent appointment with a Doctor will be available on the same day (this may be by speaking to our on call doctor first)
- A non-urgent appointment with a doctor will be offered within 48 hours
- Our standard is to see 80% of patients within 20 minutes of their appointment time. If you have waited longer than this please ask the Receptionist for an explanation.
- An appointment with a Practice Nurse can be booked well in advance.
- Requests for repeat prescriptions will be ready for collection within 48 hours from being requested.
- All comments and suggestions about the service are welcome.
- If you have a complaint please speak to any member of staff. Your complaint will be dealt with in a professional and efficient manner.
- We wish to make Villette Surgery as accessible as possible. If you have hearing, visual or physical difficulties please let the receptionist know so that we can enable you to fully use our services.
Patient’s Responsibilities
- If you are unable to attend for an appointment please let us know so that we can offer it to someone else.
- If you are late for your appointment you may be asked to rebook at another time. Try to let us know in advance if you are going to be unavoidably delayed, so that we can make alternative arrangements to help you.
- A home visit should only be requested for those who are unable to come to the surgery because of serious illness or infirmity. Please ring the surgery before 10am if at all possible.
- An urgent appointment is for an urgent medical problem. Please speak to the Receptionist if you require a sick note or repeat prescription.
- We would ask you to be patient if the Doctor is running late. This is often due to unforeseeable emergencies but please ask for an explanation from the Receptionist.
- Make a separate appointment for each patient that needs to be seen. This allows the Doctor enough time to treat each patient with the time that they deserve.
- Please act in a responsible and courteous manner whilst on the Practice premises for the safety and comfort of others.
- Please treat all surgery staff, fellow patients, carers and visitors politely and with respect. Violence or verbal harassment will not be tolerated or accepted, you may be asked to register at another surgery if this behaviour occurs.
For a copy of the above leaflet please see “Our Document” section.
Summary Care Record
From April 2015, NHS in England will use an electronic record called the Summary Care Record (SCR), which is a copy of key information held in your GP records;- medicines you are taking, any allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines that you have previously experienced.
Authorised healthcare staff will be able to securely access this essential information about you when you need emergency care of when your GP is closed. This means that healthcare staff can provide safer care, whenever or wherever you need it, anywhere in England.
You can choose to have a SCR or you can choose to opt out.
If you choose to have a Summary Care Record and are registered with a GP practice, you do not need to do anything as a Summary Care Record is created for you.
If you choose to opt out of having a Summary Care Record you need to let your GP practice know by filling in a returning an opt-out form. Opt-out forms are available from your GP practice.
Click here Summary Care Record opt-out form
Click here Summary Care Record Leaflet
Zero Tolerance Policy
Violent and Abusive Patients
The practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive and/or aggressive comments, cursing and/or swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive gestures.
The practice will request the removal of any patient from the practice list who is aggressive or abusive towards a doctor, member of staff, other patient, or who damages property.
All instances of actual physical abuse on any doctor or member of staff, by a patient or their relatives will be reported to the police as an assault.
Service provision
Sunderland Clinical Commissioning is responsible for providing and developing Primary Medical Services in the area. They can be contacted at:
Pemberton House
Colima Avenue
Sunderland Enterprise Park
Sunderland SR5 3XB
Telephone: 0191 5128484