Repeat Prescriptions

Online Order

Login to order your medication

Dispensary opening hours: Monday-Friday 8.35am-6.30pm 
Dispensary telephone hours: Monday to Friday 9am-1pm 


There a number of options available to order your repeat prescriptions:

  • Order online here – new users can register for online services here.
  • Order using your repeat prescription slip – you can post the slip to the Practice, drop it off in the post box situated inside the front entrance or email it to
  • Order via the website here.
  • Order by telephone: Call 01780 460202 Option 1 – lines are open Monday to Friday 9am-3pm.

Non-urgent advice: Notice

Please ensure you allow 3 working days for regular repeated prescriptions to be available for collection but please note that these can only be collected Monday to Friday. The collection service is not available on those occasions we open on a Saturday.

We are unable to dispense medication to patients who live in Stamford, Barleythorpe or Oakham.

Controlled Drug Prescriptions

If you are being prescribed controlled drugs, we have a system in place for the collection of repeat prescriptions. For safety reasons, if someone else is collecting the prescription on your behalf, we will require evidence of identity from the person collecting the prescription. Please note that controlled drugs can only be collected Monday to Friday 9am-6pm.

We can now send prescriptions for controlled drugs directly to your nominated pharmacy. Please ask either at our dispensary or in your preferred pharmacy for them to register you for this service.

Electronic Prescribing Service

The safest way for us to issue prescriptions is to send them directly to the pharmacist electronically. We encourage all non-dispensing patients to register a nominated pharmacy either with us or directly with your preferred pharmacy. This saves patients from having to come to the surgery and collecting a prescription and then having to take it to the pharmacy.

This process is quicker and more efficient for both patient and GPs and reduces the queues at our dispensary hatch.

For more information please click here.

Medication Reviews


To ensure safe and effective prescribing, all patients with repeat prescriptions must have an annual medication review. This helps us confirm your medicines are working as intended and that you are prescribed the most appropriate treatment.

What to Expect:

  • Step 1: Complete a short questionnaire. Some patients may receive additional, medication-specific questionnaires. Paper versions are available upon request.
  • Step 2: Most patients will need a blood test and blood pressure reading.
  • Step 3: Patients with Long-Term Conditions (e.g., Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, or Heart Failure) may need a condition-specific review or questionnaire.

Your Participation is Crucial:
Failure to engage with the review process may result in restrictions on the way you order your medication and the quantity you can order at one time. In rare cases, unreviewed medication may be stopped as a last resort to ensure your safety.

If you need assistance completing any part of the review, please let us know. We are happy to make adjustments where possible.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us prescribe safely and effectively.

For more information or support, please speak to patient services.

Prepayment Certificate Application

You can find out about and buy a pre-payment certificate for your prescriptions here.

Who can get Free Prescriptions

Visit the NHS Website for information:

  • Check you’re eligible for free prescriptions
  • Free prescriptions for certain medical conditions
  • Free prescriptions for pregnant women
  • Free prescriptions if you have a low income

Changes to Prescribing 

Empingham Medical Centre as a provider of Primary Healthcare commissioned through the East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group have been asked to share this document with you. It explains some of the measures being taken to reduce prescribing costs and identifies that in several areas, it is cheaper to purchase medication over the counter, rather than have it prescribed.

There are exemptions for some people but we would urge all our patients to visit the CCG website for further details. Please do not be offended by these changes, we simply wanted to make you aware that over-the-counter prescribing is available to you.