Carers Advice

Contact Us if You Are a Carer

If you would like to speak to a member of the surgery team to be recorded as a carer and gain helpful advice and information, call your surgery and let the reception team know

Or email us at NNICB-NN.VHG@NHS.NET 

Our Carers Champion for all 4 of our surgeries is Rebecca Finch

Village Health Group has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the Carers Hub Service for being Carer Aware and for our valuable contribution to supporting Carers within our GP Practice

What’s Going On Near Me?

Are You a Carer?

NHS Support

Head over to the NHS website by clicking here to get more information and help if you are a carer.

This link includes help with carers assessments, benefits for carers, respite  and young carers rights. 

If you have concerns about a friend or relatives health but do not have consent to discuss their medical records or are not their carer, you can still raise concerns with the GP but please be aware due to confidentiality the doctor will not be able to discuss details. Find out more about this by clicking here.


Click above to view the Leicestershire County Council Adult Social Care and Health website which contains helpful resources for carers and those being cared for.


Click above to view the Notts Help Yourself website which contains advice, information and local services.

Carers UK

They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

Telephone: 020 7378 4999



Dementia Connect

Dementia Connect, from Alzheimer’s Society, is a new personalised dementia support service for anyone affected by dementia

It connects you with a whole range of dementia support, by phone, online and face to face.

So, you’re one call away from someone who gets it.

One click away from answers.

One conversation away from help.

It’s free, easy to access, and puts you in touch with dementia advisers. They will connect you to the support you need, from local help to phone and online advice.

 Tel: 03331503456


