Are you or is someone you know looking after someone?
You may not see yourself as one, but if you are supporting a relative or friend of any age who fits one or more of the descriptions below, then you are a carer.
- are elderly and frail
- are physically disabled
- have a learning disability
- have mental health issues
- have a history of substance misuse
- have a serious health condition
The support you offer may be emotional or include shopping, cooking, dealing with medication, or attending medical appointments with the person you care for. The person you care for could live with you, in their own home or even in residential care.
We feel that caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community, which is often a 24-hour job that can be very demanding and isolating for the carer. We further believe carers should receive appropriate support by way of access to accurate information on a range of topics such as entitlement to benefits and respite care and not least, a listening ear when things get too much.
Support for Carers at Chilwell Valley and Meadows Medical Practice
Please let the practice team know if you are a Carer. You can do this by speaking to someone at reception.
The Carer Champion at Valley Surgery is Rebecca Hodges and at Chilwell Meadows Surgery is Steph Flint.
Your Carer Champion is there to ensure you receive the support you are entitled to within your medical practice. They will also be able to support you to access information and support in your local area
As a Carer, you are entitled to an annual flu vaccine, a health check and can request a Carers Assessment.
Ask our Carers Champions for more information.
Do you care for someone with dementia?
If so we have a dedicated page on this website for this. Please click here.
Do you care for someone with learning disabilities?
We have a page dedicated to learning disabilities here.
Click on this link for an accessible leaflet about how Nottinghamshire Police are able to give support to people with learning disabilities to help them keep safe.
Carers can get information, advice and support by contacting the Carers Hub on 0808 802 1777, lines are open Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm or message via Text or WhatsApp on 07814678460
You can also make contact using the following methods:
Information and support for Carers provided by Nottinghamshire County Council can be found at: or by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 0300 500 8080
Carers Information Booklet
Click here to download a useful booklet with information for carers.
My Support Network
My Support Network is a user-friendly document where relatives, carers, professionals and health care providers can put their contact information on the form and this information is then available to the person and to the other people on the form. Click here for more details.
Radford Care Group
Information programmes for carers of people with dementia. Please click on this link for more information.
Benefits of registering with your practice
We care about the impact your caring role has, and want to do as much to support you as we can. As a registered carer with us you gain access to the following benefits:
- Opportunity of involvement in the care plan of the person you look after – Speak to their doctor together about giving consent to share information with you.
- Get signposted to useful information and support that can help you in your role – please see information below about our drop-ins or get in contact with your carer champion.
- Make life easier by booking appointments at convenient times – just mention you are a carer next time you make an appointment. Don’t forget you can book home visits or phone consultations.
- Look after yourself by getting annual health checks and free flu vaccinations – we will send you an invite to the flu clinic via text.
- Stay informed about events happening near you through text messages – don’t forget to keep your details with us up to date to receive updates.
- Reduce the need to explain your role each time you contact the practice – we will note on your file that you are a carer so all staff are aware.
- Have your say about services for carers by joining the Patient Participation Group – just ask at reception for further details.
Support for Carers in the Local Area
Nottinghamshire Carers Association
Nottinghamshire Carers Association works with schools, health and social care professionals to raise awareness of Carers.
We are supporting organisations to identify Carers and Young Carers and offer the best support possible. Contact Nottinghamshire Carers Association on
Nottinghamshire County Council
Telephone: 0300 500 8080
As a Carer, you are entitled to have your needs assessed by Adult Care Services. A Carer’s Assessment is a chance to talk about your needs as a carer and the possible ways help could be given to you. It separate to a community care assessment, which looks at the needs of the person you care for, and does not impact it. There is no charge for an assessment.
Why should I have a carer’s assessment?
The carers assessment can give you access to:
- a personal budget – funding for you to have time away from your caring role
- short breaks – enabling you and the person you care for to have a short break
- advice and information about services including the emergency card and other
services and schemes funded by Nottinghamshire County Council to support carers
- advice from trained staff who can signpost you on to local and national services
that exist to help and support you.
Young Carer Assessment
As a Young Carer you are entitled to an assessment. An assessment will allow you to talk about the care you are providing and you may be offered help such as;
- assistance towards school trips
- assistance towards school/ college activities
- leisure activities; spending time with friends
- help towards hobbies and interests
- equipment to aid with your education e.g. books, laptops
- help towards employment opportunities
Get in touch using the details below to find out more about assessments and get access to information & support.
Tel: 01623 433500
Support for Young Carers
Have a look at the Action for Young Carers website for details on help, support and activities available for you.
NHS help: click here
Support for Carers Online
There is helpful information, advice and guides available around every aspect of caring by Carers UK on topics such as Financial Support, Practical Support, Health, Work and Career, Your Relationships, and Equipment and Technology. As well as Useful Guides to caring. Please click on the topic of interest to you to be taken to the relevant page on their website.
NHS Choices
There is a wealth of information on NHS Choices about carers and caring as well as further information on specific conditions.