Non English Speakers

This website provides a translation tool for ease of reading in any language other than English. To use this, please scroll to the bottom of the page and select your preferred language.

At Norwood, we have access to translation services. We use an Interpreter service called Dals Languages. Dals interpreting and translation services cover more than 500 languages, including BSL and other non-spoken languages. 

We can arrange face-to-face interpreters, telephone interpreters and more. Please let a member of our reception team know if you would like an interpreter. When contacting the practice to book an appointment please advise the staff you will need a translator arranging.  You will need a double appointment to ensure you have the appropriate time with your health care practitioner.

For Health Information in other languages please see this NHS website: Health information in other languages – NHS

Sheffield Association for the Teaching of Voluntary English offer a range of free services to learn English.