Healthwatch – Dementia in Suffolk
What is it like to live with Dementia in Suffolk?
Be a part of our latest research and shape future support.
We are working with a local network of leaders and organisations known as the Dementia Action Partnership, to explore the experiences of people living with dementia, and their carers.
This is your chance to shape support for dementia in Suffolk. Please take part if you can and share this information with other people whose lives have been affected by dementia.
We have digital and non-digital ways for you to get involved. All the following information contains the digital links and the contact information you can use to ask for non-digital formats.
How to take part
There are two ways you can help us.
Complete our short survey
Please (for those who can use digital) take part in our short Dementia Survey. It’s only very brief, and aims to capture your experiences, and what could be improved about local support.
Take part in an interview
You can also sign-up to take part in an interview with us. If you do, our team will help you to explore your experiences in greater depth. You can do this after completing our survey above, or you can skip the survey and take part in an interview only.
All we need is your consent to contact you about this. Our team will then be able to talk to you in more detail about what it means to take part in the interviews, and how we will make sure people are supported throughout.
Consent to contact you
Please complete a Dementia Project Consent to Contact Form to sign-up for an interview.
Need support to take part?
If you need support to share your experiences, we can help.
Alternative formats of our survey are available below (e.g. a survey with large font in Microsoft Word). You can also call us on freephone 0800 448 8234 (you will not have to pay for the call).
Our staff are on hand (09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday), and they can help you to record your experiences. Please leave us a message if we’re not available and we will return your call as soon as possible.
You can also send us an email with an enquiry to
You can request information in large font and black print on yellow background.