Safeguarding Information

Everybody has the right to be safe, no matter who they are or their circumstances.

Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse. We are all responsible for the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults and must ensure that we are doing all we can to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

Beccles Medical Centre has safeguarding policies to help to ensure the safety of all our patients and their dependents. Our staff are trained to identify people who may be at risk.

We are professionally and legally obliged to report any concerns to the appropriate Safeguarding authorities.

The practice also has a GP safeguarding Lead and a GP Safeguarding Deputy, who with the Safeguarding Team regularly review all cases in the practice.

If you feel the matter is urgent because a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, phone 999.

If you have a non-urgent concern about a child or adult you can make a referral via the following links:

Making a non-urgent referral – Members of the public


For children or adults:

Concerned? » Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (

Telephone Referral

If you are concerned about a child or an adult and unable to use the Portal below, you can call Customer First on 0808 800 4005 (this is a freephone number).

If you don’t want to give your name you don’t have to, the important thing is to let somebody know if you are worried about someone’s safety.

Online Referral

If you have a concern about a child or an adult and wish to make a safeguarding referral you will need to use the relevant Suffolk County Council Portal (child or adult).

The first time you complete a form you will be asked to create a new portal account. It’s quick and easy to register for an account, and it means the information you send is secure.

Access the secure Suffolk Adult Care Portal

Access the secure Suffolk Children and Young People’s Portal

There are user guides and video guidance available below if you need help using the portals.

Access the Adult Portal User Guides and Video Guidance

Access the Children and Young People’s Portal User Guides and Video Guidance

If you feel the need, as a member of the public, to raise your concern anonymously you can do so by clicking the link below:

Raise your concern anonymously about a child

Raise your concern anonymously about an adult


For children:

How to Raise a Concern – Children (

Telephone referral:

If you are a member of the public you can do this through Norfolk County Council’s Customer Services on 0344 800 8020.

For adults:

Raising a concern | Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board

You can raise a safeguarding adults concern to Adult Social Services by telephone or online.

By telephone: 0344 800 8020 – this connects you to NCC customer service centre and they will help you to find the right route for your concern.

Or online: Report a concern – Safeguarding – Norfolk County Council

Useful Information:

Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) | Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board

Support for families of children with neurodevelopmental differences/additional needs in Waveney

NSPCC helpline:

You can contact the helpline in a number of ways to get expert advice from one of their advisors ;all are trained child protection officers.
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Text: 88858

Childline 0800 1111: Offers free, confidential advice and support for any child 18 years or under, whatever the worry.

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247

SafeLives: Specific resources for domestic abuse and COVID.

MIND: Mental Health Support with specific advice on ‘Coronavirus and your wellbeing’.

YoungMinds: Supporting children and young people and their parents/carers with their mental health and wellbeing. Specific advice on managing self-isolation and anxiety about coronavirus.

ICON: Babies cry: You can cope.