Patient Participation Group (PPG)

A typical Patient Representative Group (PRG) brings together patients, clinicians and other staff members from a GP practice. They will meet regularly to discuss issues relating to their practice and the services provided to patients.

  • They encourage patients to be more responsible for their own health
  • Patients know more about their GP practice and its staff members
  • Patients can get to know each other better
  • Communication between patients and practice staff improves
  • Patients have a chance to make suggestions and ask questions
  • Clinicians and their staff can work with patients to plan services which best meet the needs of the people who use those services
  • Patients can help the practice to achieve its vision and mission objectives
  • Clinicians and staff have an opportunity to share their ideas with patients.
  • They get closer to their community and there is greater mutual understanding.

Our PRG meetings will be held once every 3 months at the surgery. Members of the group will include patients, a clinician or clinicians, and staff representatives. We will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year and all patients will be invited to attend. At the AGM, the Group will present what has been achieved over the previous 12 months.

How you can join the group

If you would like to become a member of our PRG, please leave your name and contact number with reception, alternatively complete our online form below. We will forward your details on to our Community Partnership Lead who will contact you with further details and invite you to attend the next meeting.

Bromley by Bow Health Centre

Upcoming group dates

  • TBC

Meeting Minutes

St Andrews Health Centre

Upcoming group dates

  • TBC

Meeting Minutes

XX Place Health Centre

Upcoming group dates

  • TBC

Meeting Minutes

St Paul’s Way Medical Centre

Upcoming group dates

  • TBC

Meeting Minutes