Online Services are delivered through the NHS App or via Patient Access
Online services allow you to:
- book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional
- order repeat prescriptions
- see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
- see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals
- Cancel future appointments
How to register for Online Services
If you have not used our online services before you will need to:
- Complete our Online Services Request Form or download a paper copy and return it to the surgery
- We will then issue you with an access code and account via email
- To use online services you will need to provide us with a valid email address and a mobile phone. Email and mobile numbers cannot be used by more than one account.
- Download the NHS App and enter your registration details exactly as shown on the form
- After registering, log on with your username (email address) and password.
Non-urgent advice: Having Problems?
Managing Appointments
Some standard (10 minute) appointments to see your doctor can be booked online. Online Access will also let you cancel any appointments. From time-to-time you may also be offered online bookings for specific appointments such as vaccinations or tests.
If you wish to book an appointment with the Nurse or Health Care Assistant please call the surgery directly.
Viewing your Medical Records
Your medical record can now be accessed online. There is a basic level which gives your medications and any allergies that you may have and this is called your summary information. There is also a more detailed level which gives all your coded entries and any blood test results. If you require more detailed access please contact the surgery.
Allowing Others to see your Medical Records – Proxy Access
It is possible to allow others to share your online records. This is known as ‘Proxy’ access. It is used mainly (although not exclusively) where a parent or guardian has access to their childs record.
Parental Responsibility
A person with parental responsibility will usually be entitled to access the records of a child who is aged 12 or younger. Children aged 13 or older are usually considered to have the capacity to give or refuse consent to parents requesting access to their health records, unless there is a reason to suggest otherwise. Access is removed at age 15.
. More information about online access is available on the NHS website: NHS CHOICES ONLINE INFORMATION