We have had a Patient Participation Group running for a number of years. There are leaflets in the waiting room which explain about how to become a member of the PPG including being a ‘virtual’ member for those wishing to get involved by e-mail rather than attend meetings (which may not be at a convenient time).
We are always looking for ways to expand our Patient Participation Group. We would like to encourage a wider diversity of patients to be part of this group.
Patient Participation Group Profile: At present the group consists of 8 Men and 9 Women with the age range varying from 30 to 85 years of age.
We hold a box on our main Reception desk for comments/suggestions/complaints or compliments and a form on the desk for your use for this purpose. Any patients that are invited that are unable to attend the meeting are asked if they wish to give any comments or if they have any points to raise to contact the surgery.
Surveys are usually handed out at the Reception desk, thereby targeting patients that do attend the Surgery and this was felt to be the most suitable means. Results of the survey have been made available on the websites and in the waiting area. The data from these is analysed at the Surgery and presented to the patient group to discuss.
Following this an Action Plan is agreed which is implemented, and this is reviewed two months before the following meeting. All information is handed out at the meeting for patients to look through before discussion begins. The areas for action will be discussed and reviewed and a fresh action plan formed.
Any patients wishing to make any comments/suggestions for items to possibly be discussed at the meeting, or if you would like to join us please e-mail the surgery manorroadsurgery.deal@nhs.net.