Patient Participation Group

Non-urgent advice: A message from our Patient Representatives

We warmly welcome your interest in the Patient Participation Group (PPG) which is affiliated with the National Association for Patient Participation.

We were established in 2005 to provide patients with an important link to the Pound Hill Medical Group (PHMG). We are all patients of the PHMG and work collaboratively with the Practice, offering the patient’s perspective and acting as a “critical friend” to help improve the experience of patients attending the surgery.

Our views have always been sympathetically received by the Practice, and indeed many suggestions implemented (e.g. to discontinue premium rate telephone numbers, and to offer appointments outside normal hours primarily for commuters) with our input.

Please let us have any positive messages you may have, or suggestions where you would like to see changes. We want, with your help, to improve the experience of all of us using PHMG.

I would be glad to hear from anyone interested in joining the PRG. We are especially keen to recruit BME and younger members because of their current under-representation in the PRG.

What do we do?

  • Meet quarterly to discuss issues relevant to patient care
  • Hold additional meetings where necessary (e.g. to consider reports from the Care Quality Commission)
  • Survey patients’ views
  • Act as a channel to receive patients’ suggestions
  • Review compliments/complaints received at the practice, and what lessons might be learnt
  • Represent the surgery at the Sussex Patient Participation Group to ensure we are kept informed about the wider changes in the NHS and social care and the impact these will have locally

What do we not do?

  • We do not deal with personal medical issues or complaints, as there are already well-established procedures for dealing with these within the Practice.

Contact Us

Please use this form to contact the Patient Reference Group. The form will go initially to the practice management team, who will forward it on to the Patient Reference Group. Please be aware that your details will be sent via email. We recommend that you do not include very sensitive information, as we cannot guarantee the security of the Patient Reference Group’s personal emails.

Please only use this form for comments about the practice and suggestions as to how we can improve our service to you. Please do not use to ask about medical matters. If you have a query regarding a medical matter please telephone reception to make an appointment.

What kind of comment would you like to send? Remember this form is not for medical matters.
Enter your comments in the space below

Your contact details


Virtual Patient Reference Group

Do you want to contribute to the practice, but perhaps don’t have the time to attend the meetings for our Patient Reference Group?

We are looking to set up a Virtual Patient Reference Group. No meeting attendance required, but we will send you messages letting you know about exciting news at the practice, and inviting your opinion on ideas for change. This will normally be via text message. It’s a quick and easy way to have your say about services at Pound Hill Medical Group, and stay up-to-date about all the latest developments.

Join our Virtual PPG


Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?

Terms of Reference