Let’s see what we can do…

Kingston Carers’ Network
Kingston Carers’ Network is supporting over 1,900 adult carers and over 470 young carers in Kingston through a wide range of services.
Child Health
Kingston Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Those who use our services first get an assessment of their mental health needs and a plan of the care and support they will receive. They will also have one named person who co-ordinates their care and support.
Your Healthcare
The Child Health department is based at Hollyfield House and provides comprehensive administrative and information services for children aged 0 – 18 years who are registered with a Kingston GP and support the health professionals who require child health information.
Chicken Pox
Chickenpox is a mild and common childhood illness that most children catch at some point.
Fever in Children
A fever is a high temperature. As a general rule, in children, a temperature of over 37.5C (99.5F) is a fever.
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a viral infection that can affect young children.
Head lice are tiny insects that live in human hair. They’re particularly common in children.
See the NHS Vaccination Schedule
Slapped Cheek Syndrome
Slapped cheek syndrome is a viral infection that’s most common in children, It usually causes a bright red rash to develop on the cheeks.
Further information
From warts and measles to chickenpox and tonsillitis, find out how to recognise some of the most common childhood conditions NHS – Childhood Illness
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice – Epsom & Ewell
Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people’s lives.
Facebook: @CAEpsomEwell
Domestic Violence
Get help from domestic or sexual violence – Kingston Council
Get help from domestic or sexual violence, find support groups and view information on the Kingston Domestic Violence Hub and Kingston One Stop Shop.
Drugs and Alcohol
Alcohol and Substance Misuse – Kingston Council
You can get help with drug problems, drink and alcohol problems, find a needle exchange service and contact the Young People’s Substance Misuse Service.
Connected Kingston
Their service helps people to be healthy by accessing online services for free from the comfort of their own home.
One You Drinks Tracker – Mobile App
Drinking a bit too much can sneak up on you. Our free drinks tracker app makes it easy to keep an eye on the booze and take control with daily tips and feedback.
Download on the Apple App Store
Download on the Android App Store
Talk to Frank
If you have a problem with drugs Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.0300 123 6600
Website: talktofrank.com
Find a Local Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence.
Telephone: 0300 123 1110
Further information
For more information about the benefits of drinking less, top tips and more visit NHS – Drinking and Alcohol
Alternatively, for more information on how drug misuse can be harmful to your health visit NHS – The Effects of Drugs
Elderly Care
Care Place
Supported living is a way of providing housing and support to help vulnerable adults, including people with learning disabilities, to live independently in the community.
Supported living arrangements are very flexible and are designed to give each person choice and control over their home and the way they live their life. Each person receives a package of support based on their individual needs.
The Sound Doctor: Videos about ageing well at home
Bite-sized, easy to understand and easy to watch videos about ageing well at home can be found through www.connectedkingstong.uk
Films by the Sound Doctor will help you to learn more about some of the main issues we all face as we get older. Once we understand why certain things happen, we can take steps to prevent them and improve our lives at home.
Sound Doctor films provide information about a wide variety of issues, ranging from falls to loneliness, to nutrition to alcohol problems.
The Sound Doctor mission is to improve the quality of life for people with long-term mental and physical health problems by educating them, their carers and their healthcare professionals about the most effective ways of managing their conditions.
You can find videos on a range of other long-term conditions on the services page.
Keeping Healthy
Healthy Lifestyle services in Kingston
Are you thinking about changing your lifestyle to become a bit healthier? Losing a bit of weight maybe? Becoming more physically active, stopping smoking or drinking less alcohol?
Information Leaflet: Healthy Lifestyles in Kingston
Hilary Booker Physio
Over 60s exercise class. For more information contact Hilary Booker:
Email: physio@hilarybooker.co.uk
Telephone: 07887576060
Tanya Buck Pilates
Email: info@tanyabuck.co.uk
Telephone: 07939124916
Gabrielle Steen – Yoga
For more information:
Email: yoga4health@virginmedia.com
Telephone: 07825517918
Kingston Maternity Unit
At Kingston Maternity Unit, our philosophy of care is to ensure women are at the centre of our service. We strive to make every birth special and ensure your hopes and expectations are met in this special experience.
You can submit an online referral form to Kingston Maternity Unit.
Planning your Pregnancy
If you’re planning on getting pregnant, you can improve your chances of conceiving and having a successful pregnancy.
Antenatal Care
Postnatal Care
Further information
Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here – NHS – Your Pregnancy & Baby Guide
Mental Health
Visit your local Mental Health Cafe
CDARS mental health services provide additional support in conjunction with the clinical services offered by the local NHS Trust. The Service is open every day of the year for persons in mental health crisis, or those who perceive themselves as going into crisis.
Mental Health Sunshine Recovery Café | CDARS
Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory was set up by a team who know how difficult it can be to find the support and information you need. Being a team who between us have experienced various mental health issues, we know how it feels to be overwhelmed, isolated and somewhat lost.
If something is troubling you, call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.116 123
Find a Local Mental Health Services
Information and Support for all mental health issues. Mind Infoline 0300 123 3393
Help, information and support for all those affected by mental illness.
Further information
For more information about mental health, ways to cope with it and more visit
Military Veterans
We are a Armed Forces Veteran friendly accredited GP practice.
Contact Armed Forces
Contact is a group of military charities who have come together with the NHS, the MOD and Royal College of Psychiatrists to ensure that the best mental health support possible is available to those who have served in the British Armed Forces and their families.
They providing multiple voluntary group contacts for anyone affected by PTSD.
London Veterans Service
Transition, Intervention and Liaison (TIL) Veterans mental health service London and South East are a free NHS mental health service for all ex-serving members of the British Armed Forces living in or registered with a GP in London, Greater London, East and West Sussex, Surrey, Kent and Medway.
They offer support to all former members of the British Armed Forces from all ranks who have received one day’s pay or more in the Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines or Royal Air Force.
They also support any veteran who has served with the Army Reserves, Royal Navy Reserves, Royal Marine Reserves or Royal Air Force Reserves.
Veterans can refer themselves directly to this service or by referred by you GP.
Silver Lining Club
Silver lining Club
Silver lining Club is a club for retired active ladies. We have weekly coffee mornings in Putney on Mondays with guest speakers, quizzes and discussions.
Fortnightly afternoon teas in Wimbledon, weekly lunches in Putney/Wimbledon, monthly visits to a local theatre, monthly or bi-monthly (Summer) outings to country gardens, and London galleries, historic homes and museums.
To join there is a £10 monthly fee. For more information please email:
Email: mvratner1@gmail.com
Scrabble Group
Our Patient Participation Group run a friendly scrabble group at the surgery.
On the second Tuesday of each month from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.
Everyone welcome!
If you require further information please contact Mrs. Mary Harris on 02089427099.
Check out our poster.
Sexual Health
Sexual Health Kingston
Provides routine testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV testing, treatment following HIV risk (PEPSE), emergency contraception services and dedicated clinics for young people and gay/bisexual men.
Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.
Family Planning Association
They are a sexual health charity. They give straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.
Find a Local Sexual Health Clinic
Sexual Health Help Line
The National Sexual Health Line Sexual health help line can give you confidential information and advice
Telephone: 0300 123 7123
Further information
For more information about Sexual Health topics including a contraception guide visit NHS – Sexual Health
Stop Smoking
Smoking Cessation
Call us to make an appointment at the surgery to discuss smoking cessation.
Telephone: 020 8336 6565
Kick It Stop Smoking Service
We run our stop smoking sessions from a variety of locations locally so that it’s never too difficult for a smoker to get the help that they need. Your local library, GP and pharmacy likely have a Kick-It advisor running a clinic from within their walls.
Connected Kingston
Their service helps people to be healthy by accessing online services for free from the comfort of their own home.
Find Local Stop Smoking Services
Get Support Now
Choose from an app, Quit Kit, email, SMS and face-to-face guidance.
Further information
For more information about the benefits of stopping smoking, top tips and more visit
Weight Management
Healthy Lifestyle services in Kingston
Are you thinking about changing your lifestyle to become a bit healthier? Losing a bit of weight maybe? Becoming more physically active, stopping smoking or drinking less alcohol?
Connected Kingston
Their service helps people to be healthy by accessing online services for free from the comfort of their own home.
Weight Watchers
Meetings, Online or a little bit of both. We’ve got options and support, whatever your lifestyle.
Want to get more active
Get help and advice from NHS Choices including 10 Minute workouts, 12 week fitness plan, running & cycling for beginners and much more.
Slimming World
You’ll find delicious recipe and menu ideas at your local group, along with all the help you need to get started and reach your target weight.
Get started on the nhs 12 Week Weight Loss Plan
The plan is designed to help you lose weight and keep it off.
Am I a Healthy Weight
Calculation your BMI using the NHS tool
Further information
For more information about the benefits of losing weight, top tips and more visit