Self-Referral and Self-Help

Self referral is available to the following services:

Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Testing

If you would like more information about chlamydia and gonorrhoea and how to protect yourself visits:  Check your bits

If you would like to be tested for chlamydia or gonorrhoea you can collect a postal pack from our practice.

Drugs and Alcohol

North Tyneside Recovery Partnership is a dedicated service for anyone living in North Tyneside, 18 years old and over, who is experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol.

Contraception and Sexual Health

For first time advice for contraceptive needs please arrange to see one of the doctors during surgery times.

Follow-up contraceptive advice and treatment is carried out by the practice nursing staff.  The practice undertakes implant insertions and removals.  Please ask should you require any further information.

If you require emergency contraception, this can be prescribed up to 72 hours following unprotected sex. Please arrange to see one of the doctors within this time for treatment/advice.

Alternatively, you may wish to contact the One to One Centre (based in Shiremoor) where you can self-refer for contraceptive and sexual health advice. Details on the One to One Clinic can be located on their website and information regarding the services they provide is also available. Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation have developed a sexual health app where you can obtain advice and support at your fingertips. The app is available to download.

Newcastle Services are located at the Young People’s Clinic at the New Croft Centre. They offer free friendly and confidential sexual health information, support and services.  The clinic is open for young men and women aged 13 – 19 years only and run by New Croft Nurses and Teenage Kicks Youth Workers.

Did you know that if you are under 25 you can get free condoms from the C-Card scheme?

C-Card gives you access to free condoms from outlets across Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland. It’s confidential and you don’t need to be over 16. Getting a C-Card is very straightforward. There is nothing to be scared of and no need to undress.

A youth worker or health worker will talk to you about sex and relationships including some basic issues such as being safe, age of consent, peer pressure and being able to say yes or no to sex. They will also do a condom demonstration.

You can ask whatever questions you want and talk about any worries or anxieties you may have. Our practice is registered as a C-Card practice.

Hard of hearing and Deafblind – SHHH!

Self Help Support Group for Hard of Hearing and Deafblind people. Monthly self help support group in Newcastle city centre for hard of hearing and deafblind members, including those who have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss. This group helps members to share experiences and gives support on issues. The group invites external speakers to present on topics linked to hearing loss and support services.

Topics covered are subjects such as:

  • how to look after our hearing aids and tubes
  • deafened support
  • specialist equipment
  • Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
  • why we lose our hearing
  • communication tips and tactics
  • Ménière’s Disease
  • fire services and free home safety checks
  • Freeman Hospital Audiology
  • Deciding Rights/End of Life
  • ageing and health

The group meets at St. Andrew’s Church ground floor cafe (opposite NEXT and Eldon Square), Newgate Street, Newcastle NE1 5SS from 1.30 – 3.30pm on the first Tuesday of every month. Please contact them if you would like to join or for more information on Minicom/Phone:
0191 281 2314, by text: 0789 732 9359 or by emailing:

On My Mind  aims to empower young people to make informed choices about the mental health support they want, the treatments they receive and the outcomes they desire.

Primary Care Psychological Therapies

Psychological therapies (sometimes called “talking therapies”) help people in different ways through talking to a therapist. There are different kinds of talking therapies which use different kinds of approaches to talking about problems and employ different methods to try to help people with the difficulties they are facing.

Information can be located on their website: North Tyneside Talking Therapies

School nurses (sometimes known as public health school nurses)

They promote and protect the physical health and emotional wellbeing of children and young people who are of school age. They work in partnership with other agencies to ensure that children and young people grow up to be healthy, make the right choices about their health and to safeguard their welfare so they are protected from significant harm.

You don’t have to go to school to be able to see a school nurse, for example if you are too unwell to go to school or if you have been excluded from school.  Further information can be located at: Northumbria School Nurses.

Self-Help Leaflets

Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS have produced some self help leaflets in a range of subjects.  

This includes the following and also 3 guides for prisoners:

  • Abuse
  • Alcohol and you
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Controlling anger
  • Depression
  • Domestic violence
  • Eating disorders
  • Food for thought
  • Health anxiety
  • Hearing voices
  • Obsessions & compulsions
  • Panic
  • Post traumatic stress
  • Post natal depression
  • Self-harm
  • Shyness and social anxiety
  • Sleeping problems
  • Stress

Termination of Pregnancy

If you are confident that you are pregnant and want to discuss the options for termination of pregnancy you can self-refer direct to the hospital.  There is now a dedicated appointment line where your call will be answered confidentially by an experienced member of the team. They will offer you an appointment to attend one of their outpatient clinics.

However, if you suspect you may be pregnant and wish to arrange for a pregnancy test and/or discuss possible options you can do this with any of the GPs at the practice.

A copy of our pregnancy protocol for young people is available.