Practice Policies & Patient Information
Care and Health Information Exchange (CHIE)
What is the Care and Health Information Exchange?
The Care and Health Information Exchange (CHIE) is an electronic record containing key information about your medical history from hospital, general practice, community care and social services in Hampshire. It is a safe way of sharing information about patients to those treating them. This lets them provide faster and more accurate care. The HHR is a much more detailed version of the SCR.
What information is available in the Care and Health Information Exchange?
Your CHIE record contains information about the medication you are currently taking, your allergies, test results, and other critical medical and care information, such as diseases you have and operations you have had. Health and care staff can access your information if they have your permission to do so.
Who uses the Care and Health Information Exchange?
The Hampshire Health Record benefits nearly all clinicians within the local (Hampshire) NHS and is used by a variety of people, from hospital doctors and pharmacists, to community nurses, podiatrists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists, as well as your GP.
Having access to your record allows clinicians to have a much wider view of information than they might otherwise have to hand, which in turn is beneficial to providing your regular health care. In situations where a clinician may not have any history of your previous treatments, for example in Accident & Emergency, access to information about allergies, diagnosis and medication can provide vital details that will help them give you the best care and advice possible.
What can I do if I don’t want my record shared?
If you don’t want to have your information shared, you can opt-out. To opt out or to request a copy of your record, fill out the appropriate form found here and bring it to the surgery.
CCTV Policy
We welcome your comments with regard to the service we provide. Our aim is to provide the highest level of care for all our patients. We will always be willing to hear if there is any way you think that we can improve the service we provide.
Making a complaint
If you have any complaints or concerns about the service that you have received from the doctors or staff working for this practice, please let us know.
We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and with the person concerned. If your problem cannot be sorted out in this way and you wish to make a complaint, we would like you to let us know as soon as possible – ideally within a matter of days or at most a few weeks. This will enable us to establish what happened more easily.
If it is not possible to do that, please let us have details of your complaint:
- within twelve months of the incident about which you are complaining; or
- within twelve months of you realising there was a cause for complaint.
If you wish the Practice to investigate your complaint, please address the correspondence for the attention of the Practice Manager, Gudge Heath Lane Surgery, 187 Gudge Heath Lane, Fareham, PO15 6QA
Complaining on behalf of someone else
Please note that we keep strictly to the rules of medical confidentiality and if you wish to complain on behalf of someone else aged 13years or over we would need to contact them for their consent to investigate your complaint. If they provide consent then we would include them in the response outcome of the investigation.
Other Avenues
You are also able to make a complaint through NHS Complaints Team if you prefer not to complain through the practice.
The Primary Care Complaints Team contact details are: South East Complaints Hub, NHS Frimley ICB, Aldershot Centre for Health, Hospital Hill, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1AY or by telephone: 0300 561 0290 or by email:
If you are not satisfied with our response then you can send your complaint to The Health Ombudsman via in writing: The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank London, SW1P 4QP or by telephone: 0345 015 4033/ Further information can be found on their website:
Freedom Of Information
Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000.
Please use the link below to access our FOI information sheet.
You can also contact Mrs Caroline Toone, Practice Manager, for a hard copy of this document.
GP Earnings
Publication of Average Earnings
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is published by 31 March 2024 at the latest. However, it should be noted that the prescribed method of calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and should not be used for any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparisons with other practices.
The average pay for GPs working in Gudge Heath Lane Surgery in the last financial year was £86,101 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 6 part time GPs who worked in the practice for six months or more.
IPC Annual Statement
Gudge Heath Lane Surgery
IPC Annual Statement
Completing the Annual Statement for Infection Prevention and Control (Primary Care)
It is a requirement of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance that the Infection Prevention and Control Lead produces an annual statement with regard to compliance with good practice on infection prevention and control and makes it available for anyone who wishes to see it, including patients and regulatory authorities.
As best practice, the Annual Statement should be published on the Practice website.
The Annual Statement should provide a short review of any:
- known infection transmission event and actions arising from this;
- audits undertaken and subsequent actions;
- risk assessments undertaken for prevention and control of infection;
- training received by staff; and
- review and update of policies, procedures and guidance.
Below is a suggested template for the Annual Statement compiled from national guidance and examples of best practice found on the internet. Practices can (and should) adapt the template and add further detail/headings/examples but the five key headings (above) must be included. If the practice are unable to complete one or more of the five key headings, it is likely that the practice are not compliant with the health and Social Care Act.
Infection Control Annual Statement
This annual statement will be generated each year in January in accordance with the requirements of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. It summarises:
- Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure)
- Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
- Details of any risk assessments undertaken for prevention and control of infection
- Details of staff training
- Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Lead
Gudge Heath Lane Surgery Infection Prevention and Control Lead:: Cheryl Mair (CM), Practice Manager. This will be updated once we have a nurse in post to share the lead role. In the interim Cheryl will liaise with the GP Partners.
CM attended an IPC Lead update in 2023 and have kept updated on infection prevention practice.
Infection transmission incidents (Significant Events)
Significant events (which may involve examples of good practice as well as challenging events) are investigated in detail to see what can be learnt and to indicate changes that might lead to future improvements. All significant events are reviewed in the monthly Education Meetings and learning is cascaded to all relevant staff.
As a result of these events, Gudge Heath Lane Surgery has:
- Continued with an annual infection control update for both clinical and non-clinical staff
- Ensured Infection Control Guidance remains accessible to all staff.
Infection Prevention Audit and Actions
The Annual Infection Prevention and Control audit was completed by CM in January 2023.
As a result of the audit, the following things have been changed:
- Cleaning audits to be carried out by cleaning company and audits provided to CM by email
- Room cleaning audits to be carried out by room user and provided to CM at the end of each month
The Practice plan to undertake the following audits in 2024:
- Annual Infection Prevention and Control audit
- Hand hygiene audit
Risk Assessments
Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and then followed. In the last year the following risk assessments were carried out / reviewed:
Legionella (Water) Risk Assessment: The practice has conducted/reviewed its water safety risk assessment to ensure that the water supply does not pose a risk to patients, visitors or staff.
Immunisation: As a practice we ensure that all of our staff are up to date with their Hepatitis B (Clinicians) and MMR immunisations and offered any occupational health vaccinations applicable to their role. We take part in the National Immunisation campaigns for patients and offer vaccinations in house and via home visits to our patient population.
Curtains: Disposable curtains are used in clinical rooms and are assessed at least annually. All curtains are changed if damaged or soiled.
PPE: Appropriate PPE is available to all Staff and guidance adhered to in the wearing of PPE. Areas are cleaned and decontaminated according to up to date COVID guidance.
All our staff receive annual training in infection prevention and control.
Infection Control Leads have an annual update. Information is then disseminated to the clinical team within the monthly Education Meeting, and the non-clinical staff via annual e-learning.
CM attends the Infection Control Leads Forum led by HIOW ICB. This has been operating remotely since the COVID period.
The IPC Leads complete an annual e-learning update on all areas relating to IPC.
All Infection Prevention and Control related policies are in date for this year.
Policies relating to Infection Prevention and Control are available to all staff and are reviewed and updated annually, and all are amended on an on-going basis as current advice, guidance and legislation changes. Infection Control policies are circulated amongst staff for reading and discussed at meetings on an annual basis.
It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this Statement and their roles and responsibilities under this.
Review date
January 2025
Responsibility for Review
The Infection Prevention and Control Lead / Practice Manager are responsible for reviewing and producing the Annual Statement.
Cheryl Mair (Practice Manager): C. Mair
For and on behalf of Gudge Heath Lane Surgery
Named GP
From April 2015, all patients will have a named GP who will have overall responsibility for the care and support that our surgery provides to them.
What does this mean for our patients?
Your named GP will have overall responsibility for the care and support that our surgery provides to you. They will also work with other relevant health and care professionals, who are involved in your care, to ensure that your care package meets your individual needs. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further with us, please contact us on 01329 280887.
No Smoking Policy
The surgery has a NO SMOKING POLICY and therefore would like to advise you that smoking is not permitted on the site of Gudge Heath Lane Surgery. This includes the Car Park and the Grounds.
Thank you.
Our Privacy Notices re Data Sharing and Confidentiality
Health Records/Confidentiality and Privacy Notices
We ask you for information to ensure that you can receive proper care and treatment.
The main reasons for which your information may be needed/kept include:
- giving healthcare and treatment
- looking after the health of the general public
- managing and planning the NHS
- reviewing care to ensure the highest standard
- training and research
Everyone working for the NHS has a legal obligation to keep information about you confidential and legislation controls the sharing of information.
You have the right to access your records – the Practice Manager can advise you of this procedure.
Patients are able to view and/or have copies of their medical record. Please apply in writing to the Practice Manager or ask at reception. The surgery has 1 calendar month to provide the copy. Once completed you will be sent a text message or phone call to inform you your record is ready to collect.
You will need to bring photographic ID with you to collect the information.
Privacy Notices and information
Your Data Matters to the NHS
Information about your health and care helps us to improve your individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan your local services and research new treatments. The NHS is committed to keeping patient information safe and always being clear about how it is used.
How your data is used
Information about your individual care such as treatment and diagnoses is collected about you whenever you use health and care services. It is also used to help us and other organisations for research and planning such as research into new treatments, deciding where to put GP clinics and planning for the number of doctors and nurses in your local hospital. It is only used in this way when there is a clear legal basis to use the information to help improve health and care for you, your family and future generations.
Wherever possible we try to use data that does not identify you, but sometimes it is necessary to use your confidential patient information.
You have a choice
You do not need to do anything if you are happy about how your information is used. If you do not want your confidential patient information to be used for research and planning, you can choose to opt out securely online or through a telephone service. You can change your mind about your choice at any time.
Will choosing this opt-out affect your care and treatment?
No, choosing to opt out will not affect how information is used to support your care and treatment. You will still be invited for screening services, such as screenings for bowel cancer.
What do you need to do?
If you are happy for your confidential patient information to be used for research and planning, you do not need to do anything.
To find out more about the benefits of data sharing, how data is protected, or to make/change your opt-out choice visit
Zero Tolerance
Gudge Heath Lane Surgery aims to provide a safe and pleasant environment in which family health services can be offered to patients by our staff. The practice operates a zero tolerance policy.
Threatening, abusive or violent behaviour is not acceptable. The practice will take appropriate action against any person who displays such behaviour, which may result in police involvement and/or removal of their registration status.