Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

Posted by: siteadmin - Posted on:

We are pleased to announce that Wistaria & Milford Surgeries has been asked to deliver a Covid-19 Vaccination Programme commencing 22nd December 2020. Given the current requirements for social distancing, and the number of people who need to be vaccinated this will take place at . Milford War Memorial Hospital

At present we have a small amount of vaccine to share with neighbouring practices and don’t expect the COVID-19 vaccine to be widely available until 2021, the Government has asked the NHS to deliver a vaccination programme for England from December, so that those who need it most will be able to access vaccinations as soon as they are available.

A prioritisation list has been produced in order for the vaccine to be delivered to groups who will need it first. This is currently for those aged over 80.

We will contact you when you are eligible to receive the vaccine and provide you with information about location and date.

When you have been contacted and given a pre-booked appointment and you will be asked to confirm your availability for the same time 21 days later to receive your second dose.