Mind Adult’s Safe Haven

Posted by: siteadmin - Posted on:

National lockdowns continue to have a huge impact on people’s wellbeing and we would like to remind you that; 

Mind are here and open for you, your colleagues and your clients to access immediate emotional support. 

Now, more than ever it is important to provide a clear and easy pathway, Mind is an open access service and will not turn clients away based on area, Mind encourage people to attend from anywhere and no appointment or referral is necessary. 

Mind are seeing the impact of this lockdown on people from their early adulthood to their elderly years and supporting people with a breadth of mental health challenges at this time.  

Mind are open 365 Days a year, from 6pm-10pm.  

·       Mind remain open for face to face support, and also have a 
dedicated Freephone number during these opening hours for people unable to attend physically. This number is 03003031560.  

·       No referral is needed 

·       Clients will receive immediate access to safe and confidential one to one emotional support from staff on shift which consist of a Havant and East Hants Mind crisis worker, Mental Health Practitioner from SHFT, and Drug and Alcohol support worker from Inclusion. 

Mind also have a dedicated Instagram page for our Safe haven –https://www.instagram.com/safehavensouth/