Covid Vaccine Update 12/02/21
Wistaria & Milford Surgeries Covid Vaccination update
I am pleased to inform our patients that we will have administered 10,000 vaccines at the end of this weekend at the Milford War Memorial Hospital. All patients who are currently eligible will have been offered a vaccine.
Patients over 70 who have been contacted by mobile phone, text or email link or you will have received a personal phone call to your landline. Where this has not been possible we will have written to you to ensure you are not missed.
We will now start to vaccinate the under 70’s in rotation as per the government guidelines and have clinics running over the next couple of weeks.
Patients can wait for us to contact them and will be able to attend at Milford War Memorial Hospital (next to our Milford practice). We will send you a text or e mail link or contact you by your local landline number. If you do not wish to wait then you are able to book an appointment at, or call 119 if you can’t access the internet.
Currently we have two safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19 which are now available.
What vaccine for COVID-19 is currently available?
Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines are now available. Both vaccines have been shown to be safe and offer high levels of protection, and have been given regulatory approval by the MHRA.
The COVID-19 vaccinations have been approved by the MHRA, the official UK regulator, like all other medicines and devices. This means we are confident they are safe and effective. The vaccines have undergone months of rigorous testing, including with people from a range of ethnic backgrounds and health conditions, and are recommended for the vast majority of people. Rollout of the vaccines will help protect against the virus, and so it is important that the NHS offers it to those most at risk first.
The vaccines are only available on the NHS and are free of charge for everyone who is eligible and we cannot expedite you in your cohort
Getting vaccinated means protecting yourself from the virus so you can keep safe and be there for your family and friends. Well over 10million people have now had their first dose of the vaccines in England alone, including more than nine out of ten people aged 75 or over.
Where are you currently in the programme and when can I expect my vaccine?
The government has published guidance on the order in which the vaccines should be prioritised. The order is:
- Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers – 1st DOSES COMPLETE
- All those 80 years of age and over and frontline health care workers – 1st DOSES COMPLETE
- All those 75-79 years of age – 1st DOSES COMPLETE
- All those 70-74 years of age and/or clinically extremely vulnerable (shielding) – 1st DOSES WILL COMPLETE by 14th February
- All those 65-69 years of age – SHOULD ATTEND MASS VACCINATION CENTRES (GOVERNMENT ADVICE) and will receive a letter soon. We would encourage you to do this where possible so we make start group 6. Please be aware there are many sites in our area.
- All individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality – BOOKING SOON – clinic dates early March
- All those 60-64 years of age – clinic dates nearer the time
- All those 55-59 years of age – clinic dates nearer the time
- All those 50-54 years of age – clinic dates nearer the time
Can people pick what vaccine they want? No. Any vaccines that the NHS will provide will have been approved because they pass the MHRA’s tests on safety and efficacy, so people should be assured that whatever vaccine they get, it is worth their while.
Why are you postponing second doses? The UK Chief Medical Officers have agreed a longer timeframe between first and second doses so that more people can get their first dose quickly, and because the evidence shows that one dose still offers a high level of protection after two weeks – 89% for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 74% for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. This decision will allow us to get the maximum benefit for the most people in the shortest possible time and will help save lives. Getting both doses remains important so we would urge people to return for it at the right time. Please remember we cannot bring your second dose forward even if you ask your GP.
For our latest information please go to Wistaria and Milford Surgeries – Lymington, Hampshire
Please ensure you continue to protect yourself after your vaccination with good hand hygiene, wearing your face coverings and continue social distancing when doing your essential shopping or going to work. Stay safe.
Jan Lamont, Practice Manager