Covid-19 vaccination – social care & healthcare workers self-booking into vaccination centres and community pharmacies
To support healthcare workers and community based social care workers in priority group 2 to receive their Covid-19 vaccination, they have the option to book their vaccination appointments in a vaccination centre or community pharmacy through the NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Booking Service. Staff can book online at Staff should try online booking first but if this is not possible, they can phone 119free of charge, 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week. As part of the booking process, eligible staff need to self-declare that they are a health or social care worker. Staff will be able to book this way for a limited period, until 28 February.
At their appointment, staff will asked to verbally declare that they are a health or social care worker, the type of role/work they do and the name of their employer. The member of staff should also bring ID/proof of employment such as a staff ID badge, a recent payslip or recent letter/email from their employer (dated within the last 3 months). See here for more information in relation to the vaccination of social care workers.