Our Doctors
Dr Ralph Rosalie
GP Partner
Dr Rosalie has recently completed 30 years of service at KAMP
Dr John Williams
GP Partner
Dr Richard Hook
GP Partner
Dr Anna Collings
GP Partner
Dr Elizabeth Potter
GP Partner
Dr Laura Freeman
GP Partner
Dr Vivek Singh
GP Partner
Dr Stuart Daly
GP Partner
Dr Sally Hanson
Salaried GP
Dr Anke Lehmkuhl
Salaried GP
Dr Eleanor Johnson
Retained GP
Dr Omoike Okhifo
Salaried GP
We are delighted to welcome Dr Okhifo to the team in August 2024.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
An Advanced Nurse Practitioner has undertaken extra training and academic qualifications at Masters level, and uses these expert skills to make autonomous decisions in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients. They support the medically urgent team in treating patients who need same day treatment.
Care Co-ordinators
KAMP has a dedicated duo of Care Co-ordinators whose role is to signpost patients to the correct support for them to achieve a higher level of independence in their day-to-day lives.
Our Care Co-ordinators can help you to identify where you need support in your life, such as with care needs and social networks.
They can offer face-to-face or telephone appointments to anyone over the age of 18 years.
Anyone can request help from our Care Co-ordinators – please call the practice for more information.
Care Co-ordinators can help in various ways:
Liaise with other services, i.e. Council, Care Agencies, Occupational Therapists etc. and to help navigate a system that you’re not familiar with.
Act as a connection with other professionals involved in your care i.e. GP, Social Worker etc.
Support with your caring role
Advise on benefits and signpost you to other agencies to help you claim those benefits.
Care Home Nurse Practitioner
Four care and nursing homes fall within the KAMP boundary. KAMP has a dedicated, specially trained senior nurse who visits the residents regularly to provide medical treatment and advice.
Clinical Pharmacists
Our Clinical Pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that patients are getting the right medication and can answer medication related queries.
Clinical Pharmacists undertake medication reviews for those patients who are on repeat medication. They will book a timeslot to look at each patient and will telephone the patient if they need more information. You will see that telephone appointment slot on the NHS App, but you may not get a telephone call.
KAMP has 2 clinical pharmacists who work remotely. Agata and Saira with whom a telephone consultation can be arranged by appointment.
Our dedicated dispensing team are responsible for the accurate processing of medication requests, checking that any required investigations or reviews have been carried out before issuing medication. KAMP has five dispensers who assemble the medication at our Marlborough site in a secure and timely manner, 4 of whom have qualified in Dispensing medication to an NVQ2 level equivalent. and one of whom is part-way through their training. They keep up to date with medication shortages and liaise with pharmacies and wholesalers on the supply of prescribed drugs.
Healthcare Assistants
Our Healthcare Assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as taking blood, ECGs, certain injections (e.g. B12 and flu) and compression bandaging (following nurse assessment). They are also qualified to carry out NHS Health Checks, and to give stop smoking advice and guidance. They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.
Our Paramedics support the Medically Urgent Team to provide same-day treatment. They also do home visits, as their training and experience is perfect for treating acutely unwell people.
Our team of paramedics, bring decades of experience to the team and are skilled in treating acute illness in adults and children.
Patient Navigators (Formerly Receptionists)
The traditional role of a Receptionist in general practice, of greeting patients and making appointments for the doctor or nurse no longer reflects the increasingly complex nature of primary healthcare. At KAMP, this role has evolved into a Patient Navigator whose main responsibility is to gain an understanding of the needs of each patient and signpost them to the most appropriate service, either within the practice or outside of it, for example the local pharmacy, the urgent eyecare service or minor injuries unit.
KAMP is a large practice and thus able to provide a wide range of in-house services for patients. The Patient Navigators have a thorough knowledge of our clinics and services and are able to signpost patients to the most suitable for them.
Communication with the practice is ever more complicated, our Patient Navigators answer an average of 12,000 telephone calls per month, as well as managing enquiries through the KAMP website and practice email.
Patient Navigators, as with all practice staff, are bound by strict codes of confidentiality, so any personal medical information you pass on to them will be treated in the strictest confidence.
KAMP are pleased to offer patients direct access to a Physiotherapist without needing to see a GP first. The Physio works across the PCN and can be accessed at Marlborough and Ramsbury surgeries. This service is only available for patients over 16 years of age by appointment. An initial assessment is given, an exercise plan and onward referral as appropriate.
Our physio is a valuable asset to KAMP.
Practice Management
Our Practice is managed by the Practice Manager, Amy Lacey and the Business Manager, Sally-Ann Vesey-Thompson.
Together the management team oversee all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right processes are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources and patient safety.
The financial health of the practice, the premises and equipment and our information technology are also key responsibilities for this team.
The management team supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.
Practice Nurses
Our Practice Nurses are qualified to degree level, are registered nurses and are a key part of our team. They provide a wide range of health services such as dressings, injections, immunisations and cervical smears, and also run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes.
Social Prescribers
We have two social prescribers who work with all the practices in our local area. Social Prescribers work with patients and local agencies to give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing.
They connect people to community groups and other local services for practical and emotional support.
Social Prescribers also support existing community groups to be accessible and sustainable, and help people to start new groups, working collaboratively with all local partners.
Transforming Care of Older People (TCOP ) Team
KAMP has a dedicated team to Transform the Care of the Older Person (TCOP).
The TCOP Team is here to help support the overall wellbeing of patients over the age of 75, from meeting their medical and care needs to helping them to achieve what is important in their lives.
The team provide:
- health reviews for patients over 75 years with no recorded long-term conditions
- hospital discharge follow-ups
- general welfare checks
- annual home visits for housebound patients with a recorded long-term condition
- home visits for patients who are struggling to cope and may need help with accessing care and equipment, financial help and general signposting to other services.
- help to access local community groups
Anyone can request help for someone over 75 years old from our TCOP Team. Please ring the practice for more information.
Triage nurses
Four of our most senior nurses join the medically urgent team on a rota basis to assess and treat patients with acute and minor ailments, alongside our Duty Doctors and paramedics.