Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) brings together the GP practices in Herefordshire.
They buy and shape health and care services for the people of Herefordshire.
Local Sustainability & Transformation Plans for Herefordshire & Worcestershire
What is the STP?
Across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, health and care organisations are committed to always providing safe and effective services, but the way some services are run may need to change. This is because we have a growing population and rising demands on services, and we have to make sure we can do the best we can with the resources available.
This means:
- Reducing duplication and make services easier to navigate and access,
- All of us doing more to support healthy living, or to self-care and manage aspects of our conditions,
- Providing more care at home or closer to home, reducing avoidable hospital admissions
- Potentially travelling further for more specialist services so we can ensure they are safely and appropriately staffed with the right level of expertise.
Due to the size of the challenge, health and social care bodies in Herefordshire and Worcestershire (and across the country) are working together to help make sure the NHS is safe and sustainable for the future. This is called the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) but it is really about implementing the NHS’ Five Year Forward View.
The Herefordshire and Worcestershire STP is currently a draft outline plan, the latest version published in November 2016.
Building on local programmes
Worcestershire’s Well Connected programme
Well Connected was launched as Worcestershire’s response to the national directive to ensure integrated care were being developed locally to improve the way services were provided.
The Well Connected programme was granted national Pioneer status from the Department of Health in recognition both of the work being led locally, but also its plans and potential for further integrated working in the future.
Real progress was made, with much more joined up thinking around the way health and care organisations and teams shared patients records through more connected IT systems, and Well Connected was also the driver behind a greater emphasis on working together with patients and communities on service change and transformation.
The baton has been picked up and through the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) the organisations involved recognise the need to develop our work around Information Governance and IT to enable improvements in the way health and care is accessed.
Co-producing service changes and new pathways and models is also at the heart of our commitment to delivering safe and effective services and to ensure we are using our resources as well as we can
One Herefordshire
The organisations responsible for health and social care services in Herefordshire have committed to work together for “One Herefordshire” Together we will:
- prioritise safety, prevent ill health and promote self-help, for example people looking after themselves to stay as healthy as possible or looking after themselves when ill before it becomes an emergency.
- recognise that our county has strong communities
- work to reduce waste in our system and ensure that all our resources are used in the most effective way possible.