Enter your postcode below to see if you are in the practice’s catchment area. We are sorry if you are outside the area it means we cant register you, but you can find further information here about where you may be able to register.
Catchment Area
Non-urgent advice: Notice
Also, prior to registration, you will be asked to complete a New Patient Questionnaire. This acts as a useful source of information until permanent records arrive from your previous GP.
Before Registering please provide the following:
- Photographic ID
- Proof of Address
- It is helpful if you can bring your medical card when you register
Non-urgent advice: Notice
If you are registering someone under the age of 16, you will need to bring along either their red book or birth certificate
You can register with our surgery online, once the surgery receives the registration form you may be contacted for more information, alternatively you will receive a SMS confirming your named GP at the practice, please allow 10 working days for online applications to be processed.
Please bring the completed forms with you when you come to register and a form of ID i.e.Passport, and a receptionist will check them through with you. Do NOT post or email them.
Guide to GP Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them. You can download the guide below.
You will also be requested to use our blood pressure machine and height/weight machine which are both located in a private area of our waiting room. These details will be added to your records following your registration.