The quickest and most efficient way to book/cancel an appointment or order a prescription is to register for Patient Online Access. This will save time waiting in a call queue as well as streamline any repeat prescription orders to get it to your chosen destination.
The Patient Online Access facility will enable you to:
- Book or Cancel Appointments
- Order Repeat Prescriptions
- View Summary Care Record
- View Childhood Vaccinations
- View your medical history (Detailed Coded Access)
Registration for online services
This practice accepts applications from patients as well as their proxy. Proxy access refers to access to online services by somebody acting on behalf of the patient with the patient’s consent.
The appropriate application form must be completed prior to any online access being enabled. Appendix A – Patient Access to Medical Records, should be used for patient’s wishing to access information held within their medical record. Appendix B – Patient Consent Form, should be used for patient’s wishing someone else acting on their behalf to access the online services.
Identity Verfication
ID verification is required to ensure access is granted to patients/proxy users that have a legitimate reason to access a record. This will prevent access being granted to the wrong person and support the practice to adhere to information security guidelines.
Documentation will need to be provided as evidence of identity, one of which must contain a photograph. Acceptable documents include passports, photo driving licences and bank statements. If none of the above is available household bills may be accepted at the discretion of the Practice.
The Practice will be able to grant access to patients who present with the correct identification, within 14 days by providing them with details of their account. The practice will not approve on-line access to detailed coded information if it is deemed that it may cause physical and/or mental harm to the patient. Patient records will be checked by trained members of staff within the practice.
Access for children, parents and guardians
Child access will automatically be disabled when a child reaches the age of 13. This is a national guideline to protect confidentiality. A parent can request a competency assessment if they wish. A child deemed competent may have access to their online record or authorise a parent/carer to have proxy access. Where a child is deemed not to be competent, a parent will apply for access but will be registered as a proxy user.
Proxy Access
A competent patient can choose and consent to allow access to relatives and/or carers, form Appendix B must be completed.
Levels of Online Access for Patients
There are different levels of access available to patients. Access levels can be as follows:
- Book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view summary care record
- View allergy and immunisation history
- View their medical history (detailed coded record access)
The practice will not automatically grant access to detailed coded data to those patients with CURRENT access to appointments, repeat prescription and summary Information. Patients wishing to access their detailed coded information must complete and submit form Appendix A – Patient Access to Medical Records. At any point the practice can revoke online access to patients if the functionality is abused.
The practice will allow a patient to pre book 1 appointment in advance, 25% of all appointments at the practice are made available online, subject to availability.
Appointments available via online services will be for clinics by a GP, Nurse Prescriber, Practice Nurse & Health Care Assistant.
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered online, but prescriptions that have been issued previously but not on repeat, can also be requested as a note.