Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Since the Summer of 2010, a small group of patients, GP’s, Nurses and Managers of the practice have been meeting to discuss how patients can get more involved in making decisions on how the practice is run.

This group has called itself the ASK PPG (Adelaide Street & Kentmere Patient Participation Group).  We feel that the group is an integral part of developing the surgeries so that they are fit for the needs of patients.

Over the years the PPG has helped us implement several changes to the practice, like the introduction of the staff photo board and sending of bereavement cards. These may seem like small things, but its these things that really matter to people.

If you would like more information about the group, or would like to get involved, please contact us.

Virtual PPG

For those patients who want to be involved but are either unable to attend face to face meetings due to other commitments or for health related reasons we now operate a virtual PPG through Facebook. This runs alongside the live meeting, enabling those at home to follow along with the meeting content and to make comments as and when they wish. 

To join the virtual PPG you simply request to join our closed Facebook group, Adelaide Street Surgery Patient Participation Group.